Chapter 30: Avengers assembled

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That portal was a pain in the ass." Tony said.

"No kidding." Natasha agreed.

Iron Man flew towards his tower at full speed as Jarvis told him the device was self-sustaining. Tony asked Selvig to shut it down but he ranted like a madman, saying it wanted to show them a new universe.

"You really did something to him." Thor said.

"Yup. The Mind Stone can make people sound delusional." Loki said.

Tony fired a beam but a barrier protected the device and he was sent flying back as Selvig was knocked out. Jarvis said the barrier was pure energy and unreachable so Tony looked down at Loki and switched to Plan B. Jarvis said the Mark VII wasn't ready for deployment so Tony told him to skip the spinning rims as they were out of time.

"I so did not enjoy Plan B." Loki said.

"It's me improvising after all." Tony said and there were chuckles.

Tony descended and had the armor removed from him as him and Loki marched towards each other and Loki asked if Tony was going to appeal to his humanity. Tony casually said he was planning to threaten as Loki said he should have left his armor on for that. Tony walked towards his little bar and said it had seen a bit of mileage and pointing at Loki, told him he had the blue stick of destiny.

"So now I am the machine of destiny?" Vision asked, puzzled.

"It's a metaphor, Viz." Wanda told him.

Tony friendlily offered a drink as Loki said stalling him won't change anything. Tony corrected that he was threatening and said he was having a drink as he got himself one.

"You're pretty good." Steve told Tony.

"Thanks Cap." Tony said.

"Yeah, your battle of wits delayed him a little." Natasha agreed.

"That's Mr. Stark for you." Benjamin said.

Loki walked towards the window and said the Chitauri were coming and nothing would change that. He asked what he had to fear and Tony said, "The Avengers."

"The Earth's Mightiest Heroes." Peter cheered happily.

"Protector of this world." Aunt May agreed.

Tony poured himself a drink and said, "It's what we call ourselves, sort of like a team. Earth's Mightiest Heroes type of thing." Loki chuckled saying how he had met them and Tony sad it took them a while to get any traction.

"Not wrong there." Fury said.

"You were pretty dysfunctional." Hill agreed.

"Really, now I wonder, when were we ever not dysfunctional?" Clint asked.

"I'd say during our attack on Hydra, we were pretty functional." Banner said.

"And before we were split." Sam said.

"Those would be the only times." Wanda said.

Tony then did a head count- Loki's brother who was the God of Thunder. Loki looked away as Tony put a bracelet on his wrist.

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