Chapter 64: Mini-battle

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So how did you get out of that one?" Peter asked Scott.

"Just watch, kid." Scott said.

Scott woke up in the cop car and asked Paxton to take him back to the backyard as there was something in the backyard that needed to be destroyed. Jim angrily stopped the car and said Scott's delusions were out of hand. Then the comm unit said there was a 2-36 in progress at 840 Winter Street, shocking them both as it was Jim's house.

"So he is trying to threaten you?" Aunt May asked Cassie, feeling angry at Cross.

"Yes." Cassie said, "But he has dad to go through."

In Cassie's room, a Thomas the Tank Engine was moving around as Cross stood there in his Yellowjacket suit. Cassie looked afraid as he told her not to be scared.

"Don't be scared? Don't be scared?" Scott asked angrily, "You are standing there in that suit and you're telling her to not be scared?"

"Calm down." Hope said as she held his hand.

"You saved me, dad." Cassie reminded him.

Paxton stopped in front of his house as Scott asked to be let out but Paxton refused as him and the other cop got out. Jim asked Maggie what was going on and she said in a panicked state that the thing had got Cassie.

"The monster." Steve said.

Scott managed to kneel down and put the helmet on, shrinking in time.

"Now he is coming to beat you up." Tony said.

"Cross is gonna regret everything he has done." Sam said.

Cross asked if he looked like a monster and Cassie said she wanted her daddy. Cross said he wanted her daddy too.

"Her daddy is gonna kick your ass." Clint said, shaking with rage at Cross threatening Scott's kid to get to him.

He then grabbed her and she screamed.

"Let her go you moron!" Clint snarled as everyone shook with rage.

"I'm coming." Scott muttered.

"Yeah you are." Cassie said.

Scott arrived in his normal size and retracted his helmet to the joy of Cassie. He told Cross to pick on someone his own size as he let Cassie go.

"Now it's starting." Rhodes said.

"The damn moron is gonna get his." Fury said.

"Can't wait." Hill said.

Scott threw a red disk at Cross, shrinking him as he shrunk too. Cross was on top of Thomas the Tank Engine as Scott ran through a carpet. Cross fired energy beams at him and he dodged while Cassie watched from a corner.

"It looks big from your point of view but small from everyone else." Bucky said.

"I think that's the point." Pepper said.

"Yup." Scott said.

Several ants arrived as Cross tried to fight them all while Scott leapt on top of the train. He lifted a compartment and threw it at Cross who destroyed it with his energy beam and continued fighting the ants. Scott threw another compartment to the same result. Cross ducked to avoid the toy tunnel. Scott lifted it up and threw it at Cross, throwing him off the train on the track. He got up and was frightened as the train reached near him but as it hit him, Cassie's POV was shown. The compartments of the toy all broke.

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