Chapter 40: Project Insight

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So how good is this?" Tony asked.

"Like you can't even imagine." Elektra told him.

"Shouldn't the SWORD people be here for this?" Luke asked.

"They're busy." Benjamin pointed out.

"Oh don't care about them. Let's just start this one." Jessica said and it was obvious she wanted to see this one again too.

"Now I myself want to see it. Though I lived it first-hand." Steve said in amusement.

"Yes. Please start it." Natasha said.

"With pleasure." Frank said as he started it.

A dark-skinned man was jogging around the city when someone ran past him and said, "On your left." Later, he continued jogging when the man ran past him and said again, "On your left." The man said, "Uh-huh. On my left. Got it." Later, he was jogging in a park when Steve Rogers started running up to him again. "Don't say it. Don't you say it." He said. Steve ran past and said again, "On your left." The man was a bit annoyed as Steve ran past him and he ran out of breath.

No one could stop themselves from laughing.

"Yeah, laugh all you want. I will get back at you, Cap." Sam declared.

The people from the future chuckled at that due to the irony of the statement.

"All right. But for now, I'm on your left." Steve told Sam and everyone chuckled while he shook his head.

"And I'm on your right." He said.

Sam sat against a tree as Steve asked if he needed a medic and he joked that he needed a new set of lungs. He commented how Steve had ran 13 miles in 30 minutes.

"Okay! Now that is a level of badass!" Scott fanboyed as everyone laughed.

"What a sweet fanboy." Hope joked and everyone chuckled as Scott shook his head.

Steve joked he had a late start as Sam told him he should take another lap. He then looked down for a second and looking back up, jokingly asked if Steve had taken it because he assumed he had.

Everyone laughed again as Natasha said, "I can see a new bromance on here."

"I knew I wasn't the only one!" Peter said.

Steve asked what unit Sam was with and he said he was with 58th Pararescue but now he had a job at VA. He introduced himself as Sam Wilson. Steve helped him up and introduced himself as Steve Rogers. Sam said he had put it together and said coming into the new world after being defrosted would have freaked him out. Steve said it took some time getting used to and that it was nice to meet Sam. He started walking away as Sam commented he used to sleep on a bed of rocks at the battlefield and Steve completed it for him, saying that sleeping on a bed felt like sinking in a marshmallow.

"I get the feeling." Frank said, "It happens to me every day."

Steve, Bucky and Sam nodded in understanding. The media always called Frank the brutal Punisher. But they were already seeing him as a fellow soldier.

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