Chapter 39:The Ending malekith

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So I'm guessing some science-y discussion and then the final fight." Sam said.

"Yes." Thor said.

Darcy was typing on her computer when Thor and Jane walked in. As Thor put Mjolnir on the coat hanger, Darcy told her she couldn't leave like that as the stuff they saw was spreading. She then asked if Jane had been to a fancy dress party.

"You wish." Tony said.

"Mjolnir on a coat hanger? Never going to get that out of my head." Loki chuckled.

Jane then noticed Erik and they hugged as she asked him about his pants and Ian said they helped him think.

"Never knew that." Rhodes said.

Thor asked Erik if he was well and he asked if his brother was coming. Thor sadly said Loki was dead. Erik had missed the grief in Thor's voice and looked relieved but on seeing Thor's expression, apologized for his loss and hugged him with a smile.

"What a nice man." Steve said.

"I know. Shouldn't have done what I did to him." Loki said.

At Svartalfheim, there was a flash of green and an Einherjar started walking away.

"And you're back in the game." Scott said to Loki.

"Yeah. How fortunate." Loki joked.

The Einherjar stopped in front of Odin at Asgard and told him they had found no sign of Thor or the Aether but they had found a body. Odin realized it was Loki.

"Except you're right behind him." Hope said.

"How did he not detect you?" Thor asked.

"Let's just say I came prepared with a plan that even he wouldn't have seen coming." Loki said.

"What was it?" Peter asked.

"Svartalfheim has a very strong poisonous flower on it." Loki said, "It can kill humans with a touch and even Gods. And it could temporarily paralyze Odin. I disguised it as a dagger and tried to stab him. He obviously saw through the trick and stopped me. He then took away the dagger. Then I removed the illusion and the poison temporarily paralyzed him. Before he could recover, I cast the spell on him."

After Loki was finished, the only reaction of was a "Damn!" by Bruce.

"'Damn' sounds about right." Odinson said.

"While you were a two-faced sneak back then obviously, I got to say, that was a good plan." Logan told him.

In the apartment- Thor, Erik, Jane, Darcy and Ian discussed Malekith's plan. Jane said Malekith would fire the weapon at a spot where all the Nine Realms were connecting and it would amplify its impact. The effect would be universal. Thor said Malekith needed to be in exactly the right place at exactly the right time as it was temporary. Erik then opened a map, saying that it had happened years ago and witnessed by the Ancients. They had left them a map. Erik then looked at all the coordinates and finally discovered that the location was Greenwich. Jane said the walls between worlds will be non-existent, physics will go ballistic with increases and decreases in gravity and special extrusions. The very fabric in reality will be torn apart. Thor summoned Mjolnir from the coat rack and it flew to his hand. Erik said he needed to get his pants.

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