Chapter 8:Favela Escape

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

So now we have reached "The Incredible Hulk." This, in my opinion, is MCU's most overhated movie. Sure, it's not perfect or anything but it was a good movie in my opinion. Edward Norton was pretty nice in the role in my opinion, even though Mark Ruffalo is the best Banner around. And I loved the Bruce/Betty relationship in this movie. Ed and Liv Tyler had great chemistry. Really I wish they brought Betty back as I would love to see her with Bruce instead of the forced Bruce/Natasha pairing. Though I don't know if Mark and Liv would have the same chemistry as Ed and Liv. They also glossed over all the boring stuff like the first transformation into Hulk as that was shown in a frustratingly long manner in Ang Lee's Hulk. Plus, the Hulk's design in this movie was awesome. And if anyone says they didn't like the Hulk's fights with military or the final fight with the Abomination, then that person is lying.

I think this is also one of the MCU's darkest movies. The darkness in this is on par with Iron Man, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame. The only reason they are loved and this is not is because those movies also had some good humor to balance out the darkness. This movie didn't have that much humor. Probably the MCU's least humorous movie. But I like this movie still. It was good. And in case anyone's wondering, my most favorite MCU movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier. 10/10 to that movie.

And I named this chapter after the soundtrack that plays when the soldiers chase Bruce through Rocinha. Some of the best chase music I have ever heard.

Chaos Sorcerer: Thanks for the review. Glad you enjoyed. Yeah, it's Kang and Doom as well. I saw him in EMH first but I also read comics which had him later. I might be related to Deadpool. I will have the "Trish Screaming" mentioned the next time they meet her because right now, they needed to talk about the Accords. Glad the Accords bashing was well done. Agreed on Tony. We'll see on Jennifer Walters. The others will hop in and out. Yeah, Civil War was overall an amazing movie and it did lead to Infinity War, Endgame and even this fic. But it divided the fandom a lot. The Tony fanatics write fics on AO3 demonizing and bashing Team Cap and in return, the Team Cap supporters end up hating Tony and write anti-Tony fics. The only difference is Team Cap supporters actually use logic in their fics. It is a rarity in Tony fanatic fics. Though I stopped reading all those anti-Steve and anti-Tony fics a while ago. Because I am Team Cap but I see both sides and find the Accords stupid. I have seen that and I loved it. Yeah, it's great with a beautiful tribute to Stan Lee. Also, I wrote a one-shot called "Baba Yaga deals with NTA and Diaz" and I think you will enjoy it. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 7- Favela Escape

After lunch, everyone returned to the viewing room and took the same couches as before in the same positions.

"So it's me we're watching this time?" Bruce asked again.

"Yes, my friend." Odinson said.

"Well, Banner, it's your time to shine now." Thor clapped Banner on the back.

"Good thing." Rhodes said.

"Yeah, I think watching too much of you, Mr. Stark, might make them sick." Benjamin said as everyone chuckled and Tony had a look of mock offense.

"I will try not to take that personally." Tony said sarcastically.

"Bruce is your science bro though, right?" Pepper asked.

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