Chapter 66: The sokovia accords

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The next day, everyone had some breakfast. The atmosphere was a bit tense due to what they were all going to watch.

"Promise me one thing." Benjamin said as Steve and Tony looked at him, "No fighting here."

Steve and Tony looked at each other and laughed awkwardly.


"No fighting here."

"That's ridiculous."

"No one will be fighting here."

Odinson and Logan exchanged a look. The weird laughter reminded him of his and Quill's laughter when the Guardians had suggested they knife-fight each other.

"Why am I not convinced?" Natasha muttered.

"Because it is not convincing." Bucky told her.

"Damn right!" Fury said.

"I think we can do better than that, right?" Tony said.

"We sure can." Steve agreed.

"Well, they're becoming friends now." Thor joked and everyone laughed.

"Yeah we can see that." Logan said.

"Where's older me?" Wanda suddenly asked.

"She went to meet Dr. Strange for something." Odinson said and they all nodded.

Wanda had first decided to break up with Vision this day but now, she had decided breaking up at the end of all this was better for them all.

"I think it's time now." Clint said.

"Yeah, I need to see how that happened." Bruce said too.

"Well then, brace yourselves." Benjamin said and they all moved to the viewing room. Logan switched on the TV as they all sat on their respective places on the couches.

In 1991, at a secret Hydra facility, a Hydra agent pulled a red book with a black star on the cover out of a secret compartment. Meanwhile, The Winter Soldier was being let out of cryo-freeze.

Steve watched the scene uncomfortable while Bucky watched with wide eyes. Natasha had his hand in her firm but gentle grasp.

Later, Bucky screamed in pain as he was strapped to a chair, machinery on his head that was obviously causing him pain. The machinery was removed and the Hydra agent opened the book, saying different words in Russian until Bucky stilled. But it was no longer Bucky Barnes, but The Winter Soldier, ready to comply with his master's demands.

Steve, Bucky and Natasha felt physically pained at what they were witnessing as Bucky took deep breaths. Tony himself seemed very uncomfortable. If he hadn't apologized to Bucky earlier, he would have now.

"Those words are no longer in you now, are they?" Natasha simply asked.

"No." Bucky simply shook his head.

"My sister and the other scientists removed the programming." T'Challa said as Bucky nodded in appreciation.

Wanda herself felt uncomfortable and felt empathy for Bucky, remembering how they had duped her and Pietro by claiming to be SHIELD and how the Mind Stone had made her unstable.

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