Chapter 4: Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart

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Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel Cinematic Universe or anything else you may recognize

Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed or reviewed this fic so far.

Chaos Sorcerer: Thank you for both the reviews and glad you enjoyed. I'm still mapping out "Thunder and Steel" but it will be updated. And Thor is as old as in the movies in that. Yeah, Logan deserved a nomination. Heath Ledger deserved the Oscar he got but I feel like they wouldn't have given it to him if he was still alive. I know right! Yeah, Yinsen made Tony a hero. I will show all movies up till Avengers: Endgame, no matter how long it takes. But I will do other stories simultaneously. Glad you enjoyed the one-shots, though I personally find MCU Vision a joke. Enjoy.

Guest: You will see

Chapter 4- Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart

"And now I'm back home." Tony commented.

The US Air Force One touched down, Pepper and Happy waiting for it in the airstrip. Pepper's eyes were flushed and her makeup was running. The ramp lowered, and inside the plane Rhodey pulled Tony to his feet and supported him as he slowly walked down the ramp. Tony's right arm was in a sling. Medical personnel came rushing up to him but he scoffed them with a dismissive gesture.

Pepper rolled her eyes, "Some things never change."

Pepper smiled through her tears as Tony asked her if she was weeping for her long lost boss, to which she replied she was weeping tears of joy as she hated job hunting. Tony told her vacation was over.

"It's like you two were made for each other." Rhode said as everyone snickered while Tony and Pepper blushed.

The two sat in the car as Pepper asked Happy to drive them to the hospital but Tony refused, saying he wanted an American cheeseburger and call a press conference, much to Pepper's shock.

"You and your cheeseburgers." Pepper sighed.

"So this is the conference?" Steve asked and Tony nodded.

"Bold move from a bold man." Fury said.

When Happy pulled up to the curb, a number of well-dressed people were standing waiting to meet him. They began to applaud as soon as they saw the car, and Obadiah Stane sprang forward, arms outstretched. Obadiah greeted Tony happily as Happy gave him his second cheeseburger, with Obadiah wondering why Tony didn't meet him at the hospital.

"Why, so you could stab me to death there?" Tony asked dryly.

"He doesn't even feel guilty after seeing your condition." Peter commented.

"No conscience in him. He won't." Natasha educated the boy.

"She is right, Peter." Benjamin told him and he simply nodded.

"Some people just want power for themselves. They don't care about who they hurt, bub." Logan told him.

Tony and Obadiah entered the conference room as the reporters applauded. Pepper stood at the back of the room, wondering what he was going to do. Someone called out to her and she turned to see a middle-aged man standing next to her, requesting to speak to her for a moment.

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