Chapter 52: Ego

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I'm guessing he is going to charm his kid as well." Tony said.

"He is." Logan said, "His mistake was that he thought he charmed him too much."

On Contraxia, several people were having fun as Howard the Duck was shown on a date with a woman who was laughing hysterically at something he said. "You know what they say- "You're out of luck until you've gone duck."" Howard said and laughed at his own joke as the woman continued laughing.

Everyone's jaw was wide again as Steve finally said, "Out of Tivan's collection finally."

"I'm guessing the joke of him having a girlfriend wasn't exactly baseless." Pepper said.

"Nope." Benjamin said.

"Oh God!" Hope sighed.

Several Ravagers were there too, having fun. Yondu was in a room, shirtless. He looked at the love bot with which he had done- stuff, and it shut itself off.

"What are those?" Sam asked.

"Uhhh…love bots." Odinson said.

"Really?" Tony asked as everyone gapped, "Love bots are real?"

"If you're in space, yeah." Odinson said, "Only on Contraxia though."

"Man space is getting weirder and weirder." Scott said.

"Tell me about it." Thor said, not having seen the full weirdness of space until recently.

Another Ravager called Tullk called him down. He put on his Ravager garb and with his other allies, walked down to hear another Ravager from another faction telling his friends about the time he had thought his wife Aleta was losing her mind. Yondu called out to him and greeted him. His name was Stakar Ogord. On seeing Yondu, Stakar said this establishment was the wrong kind of disreputable.

"Who is he?" Rhodes asked.

"He is the Rambo of the Ravagers." Tony said and everyone chuckled. [1]

"Stakar Ogord. Legendary Ravager Captain." Odinson said.

"Doesn't look very happy to see Yondu." Natasha said.

"You will see why." Logan told her.

Stakar walked away, shooing away some shopkeeper as well. He told Yondu he had lost business of 99 of the 100 Ravager factions by serving one. Yondu angrily smashes a bottle, telling him he could go to hell as he didn't give a damn what he thought. Stakar turned around and angrily asked why he was following him then. Yondu told him to listen to what he had to say but Stakar said he wouldn't as Yondu had betrayed the code. Ravagers didn't deal in kids.

"Oh! That!" Clint realized.

Yondu said he had no idea what was going on and Stakar said he didn't want to know because it made him rich. Yondu demanded a seat at the table as he wore these flames the same as them. Stakar said he may dress like them but he wasn't one of them. He would never hear the Horns of Freedom when he died and the Colors of Ogord would never flash over his grave.

"Best way to hurt someone is to tell them they would be insignificant after death." Loki observed.

"Kind of harsh, though understandable." Bruce said.

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