Chapter 11: Battle of the Titans

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That doesn't look good at all for the army." Sam said as everyone looked at the screen in horror.

"Yes. Only one person can stop him, right?" Steve asked as he looked at Bruce and Professor Hulk.

"Right." They both said.

The soldiers watched in horror as the machine was thrown down and a soldier was thrown out of the building into another one. A huge figure jumped down and they tried to fire at it as it threw a car away. They ran after but it was already on the streets, crashing cars.

"Oh shit!" Rhodes said in horror.

"What is this thing?" Tony said.

"An abomination." Fury said.

The soldiers and two cops got inside a vehicle and drove after it while calling Ross, telling him the Hulk was on the streets. Ross looked between the phone and Bruce in shock before deciding to turn the helicopter. The soldiers drove towards it with their cameras on to allow Ross to see the situation. They kept colliding into some cars accidentally as it threw cars around. Bruce looked down and saw the huge thing as his eyes widened in horror. The now humongous Blonsky threw more cars around and roared as he finally came into view. His face was a warped and deformed version of Blonsky's. His skin was grayish. And his spine was deformed badly.

"Oh boy!" Peter said in horror and disgust.

"Oh my God!" Steve said too.

"Damn! That thing is huge and ugly! Like some troll from "The Lord of the Rings" or something." Tony said.

"That would be a good comparison if the trolls were this strong." Natasha told him.

"Yeah. Agreed." Clint said too.

"This is going to get more horrifying now." Logan said.

Bruce asked Ross if it was one of his as Betty berated him. Down below, cops fired at Abomination but it was unaffected and sent killed them with a swipe of his hands. The soldiers fired a missile at him from a launcher but he grabbed it as it exploded in his hands but he was unaffected. The soldiers backed their vehicle in fear on Ross' order as Abomination rushed them, destroying more cars. He then lifted up a cab and threw it on them, killing them all, as the camera feed was cut off in the helicopter. Abomination demanded a real fight.

"Shit!" Sam said in horror.

"Oh God no!" Aunt May said as she covered her mouth in horror while Peter watched with wide eyes.

"And they still thought it was a good idea to make him an Avenger." Benjamin said.

"What?" Steve asked incredulously.

"Yeah. The World Security Council were going to make him an Avenger to save face." Odinson said.

"But I, Coulson, Stark and Sitwell prevented that from happening." Fury said.

"Yeah. That was when I first met the guy." Tony told everyone.

"You didn't know what he had done, did you?" Bruce asked.

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