Part 44

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Their argument was stopped as Vijay came downstairs.

"Hey Sana, come join us for breakfast" He asked her.

Vijay and Sana sat on the dining table. Priya started serving them. He holds her hand when she starts to leave. He made her sit in the chair beside him.

"Why aren't you eating?" He asked priya.

"I'm not hungry" she answered him.

"Not hungry.. really.. I don't care.. you are eating now.. that's it" Vijay strictly said.

Every five minutes sana kept checking her watch reminding vijay about the flight.

Priya started to eat absent-mindedly.
"Priya you look disturbed. Are you okay" He asked her.

"No I'm okay" she gave him a reassuring smile.

Priya started eating slowly and had some bites. Suddenly felt nauseous and her hands went to her mouth automatically. She stood up rushing to the sink and started throwing up.

Vijay rushed towards her immediately.
"Shit! Baby, are you okay" he asked worriedly as he rubbed her back.

"I'm fine. Just felt a little nauseous"

He made her sit and gave water to her.

"Why didn't you tell me if you didn't feel well? Let me call the doctor" Vijay was worried about her and he gets a bit overprotective when it comes to priya.

"No need to call the doctor. I'm fine now" She stops him in a hurry, sweat beading on her forehead in nervous.

"Why not?" He looked at her with disbelief.

"I'm completely alright. It's quite common. It's just that meat makes me sick in the mornings" She said reassuringly..

"You don't look fine to me. Should i postpone the trip?" Vijay asked and Sana fumes in anger.

"No. I'm okay now" she muttered.

"Vijay don't exaggerate. Come on. Look at her. she is perfectly fine. Think about our project now" Sana told him.

Priya was so nervous that if vijay finds out that she's pregnant he will abort their baby. She grew attached to the baby emotionally every passing minute.

Vijay move towards priya, slowly lifted her up in bridal style which made her eyes widened. He carried her to their room and Sana's eyes got widen seeing the sight infront of her. Anyone can say that he loves priya just by looking at them.

"What are you doing leave me" she said struggling in his arms. He sat on the bed and placing her in his lap.

"Shut up baby.. I wanna talk to you" he said softly.. and she stare so deep in his eyes.

"Hmm.. I'm gonna miss you" he said softly that made her teared up.

For a moment they both stared at each other and their lips smashed together into a passionate kiss till they are out of breath. He slowly parted himself from her as he knew that he will lost the whole control thing whenever he was with Priya.

Shaking all the thoughts out of her mind she wrapped her arms around him, hugged him tightly before letting him go. she don't want to cry infront of him and make him upset while he's leaving.

"I'm getting some weird feeling like Something is missing. Is there anything you want to share with me" he asked her.

"No" she lied.

"Please Take care of yourself and Don't skip your meals" he mumbled and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

Soon he packed his bags and all ready to leave. Sana's bags were already packed and her secretary already kept it in the car. Soon they left the mansion as it's getting late for the flight.

Priya's POV

It's been few hours since he left. The heaviness in my heart is killing me. I'm hiding something from him for the past two days, because of the fear of losing him and our baby.

I can leave everything behind just to protect my baby. I know he will leave me after the marriage contract was over.
Even if he doesn't and chose to continue our marriage he will never accept our baby.

I don't know whether he loves me or not. He never told me that he loves me, not even once but it always feels like he surely have some feelings for me. Whenever he touch me, he cares for me, he made me feel loved.

I love him.. thats true i love him more than anything and anyone but I can never harm my baby. How could i even imagine any threat to my baby. It's our baby. Just the way i love him, i started loving this little life inside me.

I never wanted, hoped or prayer for anything more than my husband. I just wanted his love. But now Something or should i say some part of me has changed. May be It's a mother thing. Now I'm torn by the love i have for him and my child. My little one worth so much more than my own life. I will never give up on you baby. At the same time I'm feeling restless thinking about sana. Her words are killing me inside and top of that She's going to be around him for the next two weeks. She's gonna hold his hand. I literally wanted to puke thinking about her near him.

End of POV

Next morning they reached Los Angeles. For Vijay this place is like a home away from home. Along with Jeeva and sreekanth, he resided here in LA till he graduated masters in business.

On reaching the hotel, he decides to call priya but there it's 7AM and It's 3AM for Priya. She must be in deep sleep so he doesn't want to disturb her. But suddenly a thought strikes his mind, he picked his phone and dialled Priya's number. She picked his call in the first ring itself and he's not at all surprised.

'Hey wifey, how are you" he couldn't help but chuckle.

"I'm fine" she whispered.

"Slept well?" He asked faintly and she hummed in response. He knew that she used to sleep in his arms.

"I know how well you will sleep without me" he stated between his giggles.

"Stop it" she hiss when he didn't stop laughing at her.

"I'm already struggling to sleep and you're laughing at me" she pouted.

"Aww baby ko gussa aa gaya" he said cutely.

'you will be tired due to jet lag. Go and take rest" she lightly scolded him.

"Yeah.. I'm exhausted And top of that these lined up meetings for the next three days... Uffff" he let out a groan.

"Then what are you waiting for. Sleep now" priya told him.

"Hmm... Tum bhi so jao na" he muttered.

"Haan haan" she mumbles before ending the call.

Next three days was tough for both of them. Vijay was occupied with back to back meetings so they couldn't talk as often but he never failed to call priya at the end of the day.

Even though his schedule is busier tan ever before, he couldn't stop himself from missing her.

On the other side Priya's mind also working overtime, thinking about all the possible things that will happen once vijay return home. As her pregnancy symptoms started to show up, she knew that she can't hide it from him anymore.

It's been a week since Vijay had gone to US. Priya woke up to see a message on her phone from an unknown number. She was shocked to see a lot of private videos of vidya.

In one of those videos she saw vidya who is tied to a chair and her mouth was taped. She was looking miserable and lifeless. She was surrounded by three men. Priya look at the video and started to cry.

She got panicked and decides to call her step mother. A minute later she got a call from that unknown number. And she answered it immediately.

CEO's Contract Wife (A Thalapathy VIJAY FF)Where stories live. Discover now