Part 56

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Priya's POV

Vijay informed me that I'm Pregnant. I'm shell shocked and a fear of guilt washover me.

What else he knew and how? What he is going to do now? My mind was clouded with fear.

What if he came to know, I'm aware of my Pregnancy? What if he get to know that i purposely hide it from him? This is the same hospital where i came for my first prenatal check up. They knew me. How should i tell him now? How will he going to react?

Vijay was very clear from the start that he don't want a child. I don't wanna force himself into something he don't want to do. I can't force him to love our baby.

I never thought I could survive without him, not even a day but unfortunately I did. Just because of our baby.

I love him so much. I love vijay more than my life. Finally i got his love. He is a kind of love, people whisper secretly to the moon and make whispers upon the stars. The only kind I want to spend my forever with. but what if i had to chose either one of them. My love or little one.

Right now I feel so guilty and nervous. I've kept him away from the truth. The truth of my pregnancy. The truth of Navdeep. I'm so scared of losing my baby.

I never wanted to reveal my pregnancy to Vijay. I've decided to go far away from his life and start a new life but I can't even stay away a single day without him.

I'm the sole reason for my difficulties. When i met Navdeep for the first time in the party. I should have told Vijay about his intentions and the ugly past with him. But at that time i never wanted to cause any trouble in his professional life.

I have so many insecurities in my mind which i never want him to know. I'm not worthy of his love. I don't deserve him. That's is the truth. He loves me now. I'm not well educated or successful in career. I'm not  even attractive like any of his friends. But what if someday he realised that I'm nothing but a mere mistake. What if he stop loving me.

I don't have the courage to face any of my problems. I easily get scared. No matter how much i tried to be strong i couldn't. I end up choosing an easy way out for my problems.

I need to tell Vijay everything once Vidya get home safely. Now Navdeep is more aggressive than before. I don't know what happened between them on that day.

But I never expected this coming. I never thought my pregnancy will be revealed infront of vijay in such a dramatic way. He means the world and beyond to me but i let him down again. I'm lost, unsure of what to do next.

Just then the nurse entered inside the room breaking my train of thoughts.

"Gynaecologist has arrived and you have the first appointment" nurse informed Vijay.

"No.. please no" I pleaded.

"Don't look at me like that. Relax baby, take a deep breath. You know unplanned pregnancy, it happens. We will find a way together. Later we will decide what we can do. Let's go and meet the doctor first" Vijay tried to ease the situation. He pay no heed to my words and took my hand to walk towards the doctor's room.

Author's POV

"Good afternoon doc...." Vijay started as he entered into the consulting room and was surprised to see the doctor sat infront of him.

"What a surprise! Vijay, come on take your seat" doctor gestured him to sit.

Priya sat in front of the doctor in the examination chair.

"Hey how are you" Vijay gave an awkward smile to her.

I'm all good.. Is it your wife?

"Yes" vijay gave a small smile. Priya looked at them confused.

"He is an old friend of mine.. well...! We can say... Enemy.. as he don't even invited me on your wedding" she smiled.

"Satisfied" vijay gave a mischievous smile at the doc and they both chuckle.

"So guys.. Congratulations" the doctor congratulate them together getting an awkward smile from Vijay and Priya.

"I've no idea she's your wife. Vijay don't you know I'm her gynaecologist?" Doc asked doubtfully.

"What you knew her before?"  Vijay looked up confused.

"Ofcourse i knew her. I'm the one who confirmed her pregnancy" she said casually and Vijay stands up being shocked and gave a death glare to Priya as Anger boiled in his veins.

"What vijay? Any problem?" The doctor asked looking a little confused.

"No.. nothing" vijay said trying to control himself.

Priya sat infront of the doctor nervously as she could no more met her eyes with Vijay. Her hands shaken with guilt and fear.

Priya, How are you feeling now? Doctor asked while she going through the reports of priya.

"Better now" priya said lowly.

Are you taking those suppliments I've prescribed?  Doc asked Priya.

"Yes doctor" She stuttered and vijay was tried hard to control his anger.

"When is your next prenatal check up?" Doc asked.

"Tomorrow" Priya said in a shaky voice.

"Yes.. 7 weeks 7 days as of today" the doctor stated flipping through the papers. So is there any problem in her health? Stomach pain, spotting or something" doc asked.

"No" Priya replied.

"Ok let's check your blood pressure" The doctor placed the sphygmomanometer on her arm and checked her bp.

"Blood pressure is incredibly high. So you need to avoid stress and take plenty of rest" the doctor stated.

"Vijay you need to take care of her health. She is 21 years and underweight. She needs to gain approximately 13-18 kgs for a healthy baby. On top of that Her hb levels are very low. 6.5 So we may need to do an Iron transfusion in the second trimester and You need to take care of her diet" the doc said and vijay simply nodded his head.

"So vijay Are you excited to see the baby" doc asked and Vijay tried to force a smile.

The nurse made Priya lay on her back on the exam table slightly lifted her kurti. Priya was nervous as she had no idea what they are going to do.

The doctor put some cold gel her stomach. The doctor moves a probe over the cold gel on priya's belly. And image flashed infront of the screen.

So it's a single pregnancy. CRL is normal and heartbeat is good.

"Vijay can you see the baby.. look at this little figure..  this is your baby" said the doctor.

Vijay was stunned and rooted in his place as if he saw a miracle.

"You want to hear baby's heartbeat" The doctor asked and turned on the sound.

Priya's eyes instantly teared up listening to the baby's heartbeat. The coldness in the air faded way for a moment when they heard the rhythmic sound.

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