Chapter 82. Fuck you.

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I laughed slightly. "What do you mean?" I then asked nervously. He then walked up to me, staring into my eyes. "The way you avoided contact with my hand, did someone hurt you?" He then asked. I slightly shook my head. "Not really." I then lied. "Ive been unlucky the entire day.. and my head is taking everything as a threat now." I explained, wich was true, but at the same time not at all. I was on the tip of my seat, on the edge of a cliff, anything that would push my instincts even a little would push me over the brim, spilling the contents of the glass.

He nodded, seeming to let it go at first, before he subtlety pushed me against the wall, trying to check for any injuries. After what happened a while ago, with the 'knife' accident and the 'Alikred doesn't exist' accident Opera has been more and more protective of me. However, as protective as this is not something I've ever seen before, it makes me feel both happy and uncomfortable, especially him ensuring I'm not trying to leave, although I know hes doing that to suppress my instincts, making me not tip over.

Once he was done checking he gave me the salve, leaving to get some aromatic tea, wich he said would help ease my anxiety. I then walked to the living room, choosing one of the many chairs and sitting down on it. I then opened the bottle of salve, applying the orange scented ointment on my throat. My fingers then stopped for a second, pressing down on where Kiriwo had pressed before, snapping out of it as soon as I flinched from the pain.

Meanwhile Opera stood next to me, sliding the tea to my spot as he sat next to me. "So now, could you tell me what happened?" He asked. I stared at him, confused. "Maybe the tea will help ease your worries." He then said, sipping some of the tea he had made for himself. The tea I had gotten looked nothing like a tea I had ever gotten before. I then slowly took a sip, noticing it was all the wrong. This wasn't tea at all, so what was this?

Opera then continued. "Im sorry in advance, Iruma, but I need to ensure your safety." He then said, placing one of his hands on the table, the other on my shoulder. "What do you mean?" I asked, getting ignored. "What happened at school today?" Opera then asked. I stared at him, feeling confused, but when my mouth started to talk on its own, I understood what he did to me. He put me under a spell.

"Well what happened today is.." My mouth spoke, my eyes widening while blood pumped trough my veins. "..that.." My mouth continued, before I quickly covered it, my mouth still continuing to try and speak, the words being muffled. "..Kirffffo kfffsd mmm unn thfff bfffrm stffls." My mouth spoke, but Opera didn't have his attention fixed on that, instead he looked at my eyes from where shiny brimming tears leaked, wich in themselves spoke more volumes than my mouth possibly could.

On Opera's face I could see he made a mistake as I stood up, one hand still firmly covering my mouth. I then slowly walked away, praying he wouldn't follow me, wich means the gods might be dead, because he goddamn did. It made me mad, actually mad. "Iruma, its alright. You don't have to keep things to yourself for any longer." He then said, continuing to follow me. He then placed his hand on my shoulder, making me snap at him. "Don't you fucking follow me! I fucking hate you!" I then yelled, storming off into my room, before bursting out into tears.

I then slumped down before my bed, sobbing into the sheets while I held them as tightly as I could. My breath then quickened, feeling all the anxiety and stress make its way into something again, something I haden't done in quite a while aswell, hyperventilatie. By breath quickened while my anxiety spiked, making me want to breathe in even more air, suck in any air around, because I was drowning. I felt I was being choked again, so I curled up into a ball, holding my throat tightly. Was it being shut? I couldn't tell, everything was so loud, why is everything so loud?

My breath continued to quicken, my anxiety spiking up even more when I heard a knock on the door. "Iruma?" The person from behind the door asked. "Im very sorry, please let me help you." He then said as I continued to curl up into a ball, not having any will to react to the voice that caused all of this. I was finally feeling okay, and now this happens?

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