Chapter 83. Celebration.

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"Again?!" I yelled out, getting scared by the sudden knocking. I then walked over to the door, listening from the voice coming from behind. "Its your grandpa again." Grandpa said, wich was kind of obvious since he and Opera don't sound nearly the same. Opera doesn't have the voice of an old man.

"I'm back, I know, but I came back with snacks!" He happily said, the thought of it making me kind of hungry again. Now that I'm here, I actually do feel kind of hungry. I didn't eat much at lunch today, because the food I enjoy so much somehow tasted bad. I mean it's still better then the bitter leaves at the human world, but its not tasty in the slightest.

I stayed quiet while grandpa continued to coax me into eating the snacks. "I have all your favorites!" He then happily said. "And I promise I won't do anything like Opera did, I have other methods I would use instead." He said, wich scared me off slightly. But I was curious, and without thinking my first thought was to ask. "Like what?" I asked. "Oh, like magic." He then replied. "And hey! No ignoring your old grandpa." He playfully added. I huffed, suppressing my careful smile slightly. It is hard not smiling at him when thats what I've been doing ever since I got here, and I can't completely wipe it from my face.

"Anything else?" I asked, staying distant, not wanting to accept the snacks. I mean, if I was genuinely starving I'd text Clara or Azz to make me or bring me something instead. I'd open the window and then enjoy food. Not that I would bother them like that, but if I was in need I could ask them. I could hear grandpa thinking from behind the door. "Eh, well, what else would you like?" He then asked. "Privacy." I then replied back, a bit annoyed. "Alright, alright. But do remember that we have a family game tonight, okay?" He then asked, or rather, begged.

"Maybe, I'll think about it.." I then responded. "Will you at least take these snacks?" He asked, his voice despairing. "Fine." I then replied, opening the door slightly. "I'll leave now." I could hear grandpa say while he walked away. Then I silently heard someone celebrate. "Yay! My grandson accepted the gifts!" He then happily boasted trough the halls. I then quickly rolled the cart in, closed the door again and took some chips to my bed.

When biting into them, suprisingly, I didn't feel nauseous. Maybe it's because this has a different texture? I have no clue, but the chips are good. I then proceeded to eat all the chips there were, moving on to the sweet snacks instead. And immediately after taking a bite of a soft cookie, I knew what the problem was, as my throat suddenly convulsed. I then quickly swallowed it down, putting the half eaten cookie back on the cart.

Its either about the texture or the taste. I don't have a clue, after all I don't remember.. well, I guess not knowing all the details can be good..

I layed back down on my bed, bored, staring at the wall intensely. I then remembered we had to do a lot of homework still, since Kalego gave us at least twice the amount, and sneaked out of my room, grabbing my bag, and going back as fast and quietly as I could. It didn't really work that well, because I saw Opera peeking from behind a wall. I then quickly closed the door behind me.

After closing the door I then began making the homework, calming down in the process of doing so. Eventually I got so caught up in finishing my homework that I didn't hear the knocks on my door. Only after grandpa said my name I snapped out of it. "Yeah?" I asked. "Oh good, you're there." He said. "Dinner is ready, would you like to eat with us or seperate?" He then asked. I felt bad, because I know I was going to say seperate and hurt grandpa with it, but I also really didn't want to eat with them. Though, before I knew it, I had said the opposite of what I wanted. "I'll come." I then replied softly, being a pushover. I could hear grandpa celebrating from behind the door while I had to stop myself from hitting my head against the wall.

"Alright then, see you soon!" He happily said, walking back while he recited a part of some song. I then slowly got up and walked to the bathroom to see how I looked. I had no more dark circles around my eyes, nor could you see the bandages around my arm or the swelling on my neck. And so I decided to go out of my room, to have dinner. I then realized that one; I had a lot of snacks already and two; If Opera or grandpa notice me getting sick while eating, I'll definitely have to explain why.

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