ᴛʜᴇ ᴜꜱᴜᴀʟ ꜱᴜꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛꜱ (ᴘᴛ 1)

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A man is led down a dim police-station hallway in cuffs. In a bustling office, a young man is on his cell phone, a mug of coffee in hand.

"Under what name? Oh, yeah, that's my favorite so far. Possible IDs in three states that we know of." He pulls a paper from the fax machine and stares at it. "I gotta call you back."


A SWAT team approaches a motel room from the outside.


The young man enters an interrogation room, the prisoner is not visible as he sits down.

"Well, first I thought you were just stepping up your game. Credit card fraud, breaking and entering, and this one... puzzled me. Grave desecration. But still, these are a long way from murder. Then we get a fax from St. Louis. Where you're suspected of torturing and murdering a young woman. However, no one could prove anything, of course, because supposedly you died there."


The SWAT team breaks open a 2nd-floor door with a battering ram, inside, two people stand and stop, holding their hands up.


"But I gotta tell you something. You look pretty healthy to me."


A woman advances on the two, her gun forward.


"So, we know Karen Giles wasn't the first person you murdered."


"Going somewhere, Sam? Y/N?" A red dot is on their chests, the two share a look.


"But I guarantee you she's the last." The man stands and walks out, and the man looks to where he left, revealing that it's Dean.


The policewoman from earlier enters another interrogation room smiling at Sam and Y/N, Sam who is looking out the window and Y/N who is sitting on the chair, but both look as the woman enters. The woman places two coffee cups on the table.

"Thought you two might be thirsty."

"And you put us together, why?" Sam asks.

"Because I know that the two of you will cooperate better if together."

"Okay, so you're the good cop. Where's the bad cop?" Y/N asks.

"Oh, he's with your brother."

"Okay. And you're holding us, why?" Y/N asks.

"Well, he's being held on suspicion of murder. And you two, we'll see." Y/N leans in, shocked, Sam doing the same.

"Murder?!" Sam and Y/N say in unison.

"You sound genuinely surprised. Or are you that good of an actor and actress?"

"Who was he supposed to have murdered?!" Y/N says.

"We'll get around to that."

"Well, you can't just hold us here without formal charges!" Y/N says.

"Well actually, we can, for forty-eight hours, but since you're a pre-law student, you would know that. I know all about you two." She picks up a file with Y/N Winchester on the front. "You're twenty-seven years old, no job, no home address. Your mother died when you were four, your father's whereabouts are unknown. And then there's the case of your brother Dean. Whose demise was, well, just a little bit exaggerated. Feel free to jump in whenever you like." Y/N leans back into her seat and sighs. "Shy? No problem. I'll keep going." The woman drops Y/N's file and picks up one with Sam Winchester on the front. "You're twenty-three years old. Your family moved around a lot when you were a kid. Despite that, you were a straight-A student. Got into Stanford with a full ride." She closes the file. "Then about a year ago there was a fire in your apartment. One fatality. Jessica Moore, your girlfriend. After she died, you fell off the grid. Left behind everything."

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