ʟᴀᴢᴀʀᴜꜱ ʀɪꜱɪɴɢ (ᴘᴛ 4)

19 0 0

Sam sneaks into the darkened diner and slips his lock-picking tools into his shirt pocket. A song is playing on the jukebox. He sneaks in quietly and sees the cook face-down on the floor, his hands bloody. Sam crouches and turns the man over; he is dead, his eyes burned out and drying blood caked on his cheeks. Sam stands only to then be tackled from behind by the demon waitress. They trade blows for a few moments until Sam shoves her away. She too has empty, burned-out eye sockets and blood trickling down her face. She looks both terrifying and terrified.

"Your eyes," Sam says.

"I can still smell your soul a mile away," she says.

"It was here. You saw it."

"I saw it," the demon waitress says, sobbing.

"What was it?" Sam asks.

"It's the end. We're dead. We're all dead," she repeats shakily.

"What did you see?" Sam insists.

"Go to hell," she says.

"Funny. I was going to say the same thing to you." Sam steps back, planting his feet, and shuts his eyes in concentration. He extends his right hand towards the demon. She heaves and begins to vomit black smoke into her hands; in seconds, the waitress collapses to the floor as the demon is sucked down into the pit. Sam opens his eyes and crosses to the woman on the floor. He checks her pulse, sighing in disappointment. "Damn it." The kitchen door opens and a woman comes out. He looks up, apparently not surprised to see her. It's the young brown-haired woman that was in Sam's room when Dean, Y/N, and Bobby arrived.

"Getting pretty slick there, Sam. Better all the time," she says. Sam stands, and they share a smoldering look. He looks down at the corpse at his feet, his face falling.

"What the hell is going on around here, Ruby?" he asks.

"I wish I knew."

"We were thinking some high-level demon pulled Y/N out."

"No way. Sam, human souls don't just walk out of Hell and back into their bodies easy. The sky bleeds, the ground quakes. It's cosmic. No demon can swing that. Not Lilith, not anybody."

"Then what can?" Sam asks.

"Nothing I've ever seen before."


Bobby draws a symbol with white spray paint on the cement floor. As he stands, he looks around at the floor, walls, and ceiling of the empty rectangular warehouse that is covered in similar images.

"That's a hell of an art project you've got going there," Dean says at a table, setting up equipment.

"Traps and talismans from every faith on the globe. How you two doin'?" Bobby asks.

"Stakes, iron, silver, salt, knife," Y/N lists while pointing to each. "I mean, we're pretty much set to catch and kill anything I've ever heard of."

"This is still a bad idea," Bobby says.

"Yeah, Bobby, she heard you the first ten times," Dean says. "You ain't gonna change her mind."

"What do you say we ring the dinner bell?" Y/N says. Bobby nods reluctantly. He goes over to another desk, takes a pinch of some powder from a bowl, and sprinkles it into a large bowl, which begins to smoke. He chants in Latin.


Sam and Ruby are seated across from each other at a small table.

"So, million-dollar question: are you going to tell Dean and Y/N about what we're doing?" Ruby asks.

ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴᴄʜᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ'ꜱ||ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant