Here comes the bride

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Niall's POV

Everything was set up. The big white table was set up in on one wall of the ginormous room which had all of the little finger foods.

Ahhh food...

The cake was on that table. It was 3 cakes, one smaller than the next, stacked on top of each other. It had 2 gold roses at the top and a diamond pattern, with little beads where they crossed.

The centerpieces were big, tall white flowers in a clear vase. Which was surrounded by crystal blue glasses.

The pews had white flowers on top of flowing white fabric.

I was wearing a white tux, white tie, and a red flower.

"10 minutes." The voice of my best man says from behind me.

I nod and hear him walk away. I check everything one more time.


I walked over to the snack table and took a few, quickly stuffing them into my mouth. I finally head to the back few rooms. I pass Kaylee's hearing giggles and laughter. I chuckle and peek in the door beside hers. The ring bearer and the flower girl (my little cousins). The flower girl is in a white dress, blue belt with a bow off to the side. The ring bearer was wearing a black tux and a green tie. I give them high-fives and continue on my journey. I reach the next room.

"Hey." I say, realizing it's my own room. I look at the 6 boys in front of me. They're wearing white suits and green ties.

"Ready?" Harry asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I guess."  I say in a trance as I go to the side door and enter with the priest and Greg.

I hear the music start and I look up to see the bridesmaids and groomsmen arriving in pairs. The bridesmaids are wearing a blue mini dress with a light green belt, hair down and curled. Jessica being the maid of honor and Greg being best man.The ring bearer walks out, followed by the flower girl. I feel my palms start to sweat, knowing who's coming next.

My bride.

I see her walk in, Cinderella dress flowing behind her, white heels showing with every step, hair curled up into a bun. She's holding her dad's arm with one hand, and holding a mix of purple and blue flowers, held together by an array of different colored strings. It seems like forever until she reaches me and is standing in front of me.

I smile at her and she returns it as the preacher starts the ceremony.

Kaylee's POV

I looked over into the hazel eyes of one of the bridesmaids. She-



This is awkward...

I'll be back soon...

Thank you.

I smiled back as the preacher started the ceremony. I didn't pay much attention to what he said, just looked into the eyes of the boy I would be locked to forever in a matter of seconds. I repeated what the preacher told me to. Soon enough, I had a ring on my finger and he had one on his.

"You may kiss the bride." The preacher stated as he stepped back a bit.

Niall's eyes searched mine as if to ask me for permission. I rolled them and he took that as a yes. I heard clapping and cheers all around, bouncing off the stone castle walls. Without me knowing, he picked me up bridal style (even though I am a bride, ignore it.) and carried me out the big doors and into the warmth of the sun. I squinted my eyes from the sun's harsh rays as he set me down.

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