Do you remember

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I just realize something. We actually know nothing about the boys. We over exaggerate about every little thing they do. Carrots, spoon fears, cats, mirror obsessions, types of clothing, we know nothing about the actual them. Just what management makes them do.


"Kaylee you have amnesia."


Niall's POV

I looked at the confused girl the entire car ride back to the flat. I wanted to break down and cry (oooh sweet child of mine). I could tell she felt guilty for not remembering any of us, and could tell she was fangirling over meeting One Direction for the "first" time. And being married to her favorite, the Irish one (me).

"What are we going to tell Jeffery?" I hear Corbyn mumble.

"I don't know, we have a meeting with him in three weeks. We'll try to get back as much memory as we can. The doctor said it has a 60% chance of it coming back regularly. But if we help, she has an 80." Emily mumbles back.

"Can we get it to where she remembers me?" I ask, my eyes wide. I feel like a baby.

"We'll get her to remember you first leprechaun." What is it with Emily and Corbyn having freaking nicknames? But it made me feel better.

"Yeah Niall. We'll get her to you first." Corbyn agrees. I smile and Horan hug each of them. And for some reason, turn and hug Kaylee. I cling to her like I normally do, then realizing she forgot, back away. But she puts her hand on my arm.

"I-- I feel wrong. Without you somehow.... Interacting with me.'' She says. I smile so big I thought my face would rip.

"Woah. Niall. What's with the stalker smile?" Louis asks, nudging me across the limo. I tightly wrap my arms around her. I hear her laugh.

"WE'RE HERE!" Harry shouts. I help her step out, and she gapes at the house.

"What?" I ask, chuckling under my breath.

"It's... Bigger than I thought." She breathes out as we walk up to the door.

"Well you kinda share it with your band." I say, walking inside as she gapes again, freezing and looking at me like I'm insane when I say that.

"What?" She asks, jaw dropping.

"You're in a band. Infinity." I say, looking into her eyes as we sit down on the couch.

"There's so much to learn." She says, wide-eyed. I laugh. She never lost her humor. I could tell she was growing very comfortable with me. Which made me happier. Zayn cleared his throat, making us look up and see everybody staring at us.

"Would you like us to tell you things now or later?" Haylee asks with kind eyes. Kaylee looks over at me and I shrug. She looks back.

"Now I guess." She says, glancing at the wall clock. "How much time do we have? It's 10:30." She says. Emily and Liam grimace but say nothing.

"Okay. We'll start with names. I guess. And a little about ourselves. Jessica. How about you start?" Corbyn suggests.

"As you can guess my name is Jessica Nelson. You and me are best friends and we used to share a flat with Brea before we moved here. We share a lot of things like differences and similarities. Everybody calls me Jess or Jessie'" Jess says, shrugging as she sits back.

"I'm Breanna Box. But everybody calls me Brea and whatever else you can think of. Me, Haylee, Corbyn, and Emily are whovians. Dr. Who fans." she says the last part with Kaylee.

"Just kinda remembered it." Kaylee says, looking at Brea to carry on.

"I'm Louis' sister and I like gummy bears." she says, rolling out the las two words. I start laughing.

"I'm Haylee Gowen. I am a whovian, and sadly, a part of this random bunch of people I'm proud to call my friends. I annoy you and Emily with my root beer and vinegar and salt chips all the time which I know you hate. I really can't think of anything else." She says, resting her hands on her knees. Corbyn stands up.

"Watch out Kaylee, here comes the big cusser." Emily snickers. Corbyn glares down at her, kicking her shin, smiling, and turning towards Kaylee.

"I'm Corbyn Scobee. I make up nicknames for people, have the weirdest style, ultimate whovian and BBC fan. I love annoying people and can get very lovey and protecting. I pull pranks with Lou a lot and just love to have fun."

"Here comes Mrs. Long talk." Corbyn says as Emily opens her mouth to speak, glaring at Corbyn and pitifully pinning her arm, turning around.

"I'm Emily Beaman. I call you my little ninja because you have a ninja roll and act like one a lot. I havenlow self esteem and suck at everything. People consider me the motherly one even though I think that's Corbyn. Like I said before. I suck at every-- OWW! Corbyn!"

"Corbyn gets mad at her for having low self esteem." I mumble.

"I can see that." Kaylee says, looking at the two girls.

"Moving on into deeper things." Corbyn says rubbing her hands together.

"That didn't sound wrong." Emily hums. Corbyn rolls her eyes.

"Are you ready for that Kaylee?" Emily asks, concern in her eyes.

"Yeah. You sure are the motherly one." Kaylee laughs.

"Okay. Relationship time. Us and most importantly. You." Jess excitedly says.

"Okay. The people in a relationship are Corbyn and Louis: Couis, Jess and a guy back home named Parker, Harry and Haylee: the H couple, you and Niall: Kiall, Zayn and Perrie: Zerrie, and Emily and Liam:--"

"Limily. A couple name I made up for them." Kaylee finishes. I turn to her.

"Oh my god she remembered something else!" Brea squeals.

"This is good. She's getting it back quicker and quicker." Emily mumbles.

"Yeah. Niall and I are married, the only ones." She breathes out. She looks up at us with red eyes.

"Are you tired?" I ask. She gives a tired nod, hazel eyes sparkling a little less than usual.

"I'm going to bed. Ni, come with me please?" She asks. I freeze.

"What did you call me?" I ask, tearing up with hope.

"Ni. Is that alright? Did I do something? Oh my gosh you're crying I'm so sorry. It just came so naturally calling you that or Nialler. I'm so sorry." I hug her.

"1. It's okay I'm crying because you remembered. And 2. You're starting to sound like Emily with all the apologies." I say into her hair. She laughs and breathes a tired sigh.

"I'm taking her up." I announce, picking her up bridal style. Which seemed how everybody was being picked up these days. She wraps her arms around my neck wiu no objections and I lay her on her bed, laying next her. No objections.

Just what I was scoring for.


Hello my peeps. I have an unsettled argument with a certain Twizzler. Am I an attention hog? Yes. Will I go so far to put it on the Internet? Apparently. Tell me what you think. This book is just a bunch of me me me. Let's focus on mememe. God I have like No self esteem whatsoever. Until it comes to my eyes. Jk! I really don't see the beauty...

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang