What the hell is happening?

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Corbyn's POV

"Okay so here's what I'm thinking." Mr. Hottie then stroked his chin.


"Let's get Kaylee on the far right. Followed by..." I then got lost in his words. Like perfect harmony.

Also like what your boyfriend sounds like when he's singing.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed, interrupting the choreographer's speech. "Sorry." I muttered, looking down at my Converses.

"Um there is noooo flapping way I am going out in a photo-shoot in a..." She gulped, "dress." She finished, pulling at the sides and saying the word like it was poison in her mouth.

"Come on. You make the perfect angel." Our stylist said, taking the attention away from Mr. Hotsville. Kaylee huffed and crossed her arms.

Uh-oh. Here comes Mrs. Stubborn.


"I'm not the dress type, why don't you get Jessica to do it?" Kaylee said, looking at Jessica who was dressed as a fairy princess, letting some strands of hair fall loose from her curled hair mess.

"Because. You wanted to be the lead in this photo shoot, you're getting it." Our stylist said.

The argument started.

*45 minutes later*

The stylist sighed angrily at the smirking Kaylee while she fumed to the point where smoke was practically coming out of her ears.

"Emily. DO SOMETHING!" The stylist yelled at Emily who was doing something on her phone while sitting in a chair beside me, too engrossed to pay attention.

"EMILY BEAMAN!" The stylist hollered, making the whole studio quiet down. Emily's head snapped up, her now curled hair falling down to her shoulders as mine was pinned up.

"Yes?" She nonchalantly asked, setting her phone down on her dressing table.


Let me get something out of the way.

Kaylee was dressed as an angel.

Jessica was dressed as a fairy princess.

Brea was dressed as Mrs. America.

Emily was dressed as Summer.

And I was dressed as an over-obsessed fan girl.

Weird right?

I had finished my singular photos and was the only one done, so I was back in regular clothes, ready to go since we had done group shots already.


"Do something to make her cooperate!" She yelled in Emily's face. Kaylee had a glint in her eye, a knowing Emily might somehow convince her to go. But come on. Emily and terrifying? They're like opposites. Kaylee herself said Emily was as terrifying as a baby penguin (SHE ACTUALLY DID).

Emily sighed, looking up at Kaylee, stood up, adjusted her Summery dress and turned to Haylee who was standing off to the side in amusement, watching the show with somehow...

A bag of popcorn?

"Cupcake, could you go get Kaylee's regular from McDonalds?" Haylee nodded, took off, came back and dug Emily's wallet out of her bag and ran off again. Emily turned to the angel. "We can go get the biggest screen and every single Call Of Duty or video game you want. You're welcome to play all day tomorrow, blast Eminem through the house, and just to top it off..." Emily took a deep breath. "Are you going to do it?" She asked.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now