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Corbyn's POV

"Come on Emily, you've got to get into your concert clothes." I say as I finish pulling my shirt on over my head.

"Wait. How come there's only 5 outfits?" Haylee asks, seeing the rack empty.

"Look. Here's the thing." Emily pauses, I look at her, crossing my arms and moving the weight to one foot. "There is only 5 allowed in a band. With me there'd 6. So I told them I wouldn't sing." She says. I open my mouth to object but she cuts all of us off.

"Oh. Looks like it's time for you to go. Do good!" She smiles as we get ushered onto the stage.

"How are you all doing tonight?!" Kaylee's voice boomed through the stadium. Screams bounced off the walls and onto my eardrums which were now hurting. Although I smiled.

I looked over to the side of the stage and caught Emily's eye. She smiled and gave us thumbs up.

"Good luck." I heard her voice in my right ear. I smiled once again as I turned to face the sea of adoring fans.

"And together they will stay

And they lived happily ever after

The End."

We finished up the last song on the album to finish up the concert.

"We are Infinity. GOOD NIGHT!" Brea hollered through her microphone. I beamed and waved as we ran off stage.

"You guys were amazing! I'd hug you. But you're sweaty and smelly." Emily says congratulating us before wrinkling her nose. I shrug before walking to the dressing room, now realizing the disgusting odor coming from me. My own nose wrinkles as I take my black top and jeans off before deodorizing, putting on my Superman shirt, pre-ripped jeans, checkered suspenders and vest before slipping on my red converses. I perfume myself before walking out the door, linking arms with Haylee, sign 3 autographs, take 2 photos and march to the tour bus. 

I climb the steps and plop down on the couch. I hear the others follow and hear silence follow. I sit up, and look at the other girls in the parked bus around me. I heard fans screaming outside but ignored them.

Haylee was scrolling through something on her phone, Kaylee was talking to somebody on the phone (probably Niall), Brea was sleeping, Emily was on her laptop, and Jess was also on her phone.

"I'm taking a shower." I say to nobody in particular, standing up and walking to the mini bathroom, grabbing my needed items and entering the little room.

"UNICORNS POOP RAINBOWS!" Kaylee's voice drifted towards me. I laughed as I poked my head out the door, looking at her.

"Okay then." I say before returning to the bathroom. I turn the water on and strip down. Knowing I had a limited amount of time, I quickly stepped under the scalding and soothing water. I quickly shampooed, body washed, and conditioned. When that was done I shut the water off and stepped out, wrapping my body in a towel before completely drying off and putting my warming fleece pants on with a tee.

I stepped out, seeing nobody in the main room and feeling the bus moving under my feet. I sliently pushed the curtains aside to see everybody sleeping. I set my clothes in the dirty pile (that sounds wrong) and checked my phone. In 10 minutes I had had 5 missed calls, and 7 messages from an adoring boyfriend. I smiled sadly as I checked each and every one, making a mental note to call him tomorrow.

I climbed into the bunk on top of Haylee's and across from Emily who was in the top middle. I looked around and laid my head down before hearing somebody talk in their sleep.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now