Day 65 (part 1)

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I was kidding about no more Kiall. Wanted to see your reaction


Liam's POV

All of us boys stood on the side stage facing the girls who somehow had magically got and convinced Emily up on the stage and talk in front of the crowd. It still remains the biggest mystery.

"Okay girls, I hear you've all moved into one big house. How has that been?" The interviewer asks.

"Well it's like the sleepovers we always used to have. But now add a big heaping of mother." Kaylee says, making everybody laugh..

"She's always so responsible and motherly. Sometimes, I swear I'm going to puke." Haylee says, making everybody laugh again.

"That's what makes her and Liam so per--" Corbyn starts.

"Enough about me!" Emily slapped Corbyn's knee from her position.

"Ow. That hurt." She sarcastally says.

"There she goes. Putting every--" Brea starts to say.

"What did I tell you?" She snaps, raising an eyebrow at Brea.

"Enough about you." She mumbles. Emily smiles as if she won. Wait... She did...

"Okay then. Girls this is an off-topic fan question. Out of the boys of 1D what bromances do you ship?" She asks, looking up at the girls. I look around and see the boys smirking.

"Niam! NiamNiamNiam." Emily excitedly says before anybody can speak. "A huge Niam shipper. And Larry." She adds.

"Gee thanks." Kaylee hits the back of her head. "Larry I suppose." She adds.

"Larry and Nouis." Corbyn shrugs.

"Giving up on Tommo are we?" Emily playfully asks, all she gets is a death glare.

"Zouis and Larry." Brea says.

"Narry and Larry." Haylee says, looking up thoughtfully.

"Let's see... Zouis, Nouis, Lilo, Larry, Ziall, Ziam, Zarry, Niam, Narry, and Haim." Jess proudly states, counting off on her fingers.

"It's creepy you know all of those by heart." Kaylee says, poking her head.

"Okay girls. Here's the question everybody's been waiting for. Who's single and who's taken?" She asks with a sparkle in her eye. "Singles?" Only Brea raises her hand.

"I'm single like a pringle and ready to mingle!" She says. The girls shake their heads while we crack up.

"Taken?" The interviewer asks. All hands go up but Brea and Emily's. My heart sinks.

"Emily." Corbyn nudges her.

"I'm not officially in the band. I didn't even want to come up here. I refuse to answer any more questions. I've said to much already." She stubboringly says, I smile.

"Now or I'll shoot." Corbyn adds, holding up her hands as a gun.

"It's James Bond morining all over again.." I hear her gasp.

"How do you remember that? That was 2 months ago!"

"Responsibilia." Emily states and raises her hand.

"I see we have some good relationships still with some certain band boys? I think we all know about Kaylee and Niall. But I see another wedding ring. Emily?" Emily's blue eyes are sparklin- STOP! BAD LIAM! CONTROL. HOROMONES! She brings her hand down and twists the ring on her hand smiling and my band feels tighter.

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