Month 9

43 1 4

Harry's POV

"No. No. She did not say that." Louis says, firing up the laughing fit again. I crossed my arms.

"Yes Lou. She did. And it angered me." I say. He laughs.

"It- It- Angered you?" Louis laughs once more, bending over and clutching his stomach in laughter as the other girls walked in.

"Harry! Did you punch him again?" Corbyn frantically asks, racing to Louis' side and pulls back, realizing he is laughing so much he can't make any noise.

"Alright. What happened?" Kaylee asks, crossing her arms and resting them on her overgrown stomache. Nobody answered. "Come on. Preggie wanna know." She urged.

"Lou here thinks it's so hailarous that a drunk fan came up to me and asked if I could straighten my hair permantely so we could be a lesbian couple together." I explained.


Then everybody cracked up, falling in laughter, or sitting there, clapping and hitting things, not being able to breathe, some were crying.

"Okay. She did not say that." Zayn said.

It took them TWENTY minutes to calm down. Yes, TWENTY FUCKING MINUTES.

"She did. And then she walked away after pulling one of my curls." I pout, sitting on the couch and crossing my arms.

"Okay. But you have to admit it was pretty funny." Zayn points. I snarl and shake my curls.

(A/N: Which ARE back BTW)

"Whatever." I mumble, looking away.

"Hey! Let's go to the mall so I can mess with people." Kaylee says, making Niall groan.

"Like... How, mess?" I ask and eveybody looks at me, some stiffling a laugh or two. Hey, can't help being cheeky.

"Like walking around like... Brea, Corbyn. Stand up." They did as the pregnant woman ordered and looked at each other worridly. "Like this." She said, Niall covered his eyes.

"Jesus Christ." He mumbled. Kaylee walked up to Brea and ran her stomach into her.

"Whoops, didn't see ya there." She chuckled, running into Corbyn, pushing her aside. "EXCUSE ME. PREGNANT WOMAN COMING THROUGH! Do you see I'm pregnant? Could you move aside for me please?" She said, laughing and sitting down by Niall who's face was red.

I burst out laughing and couldn't stop. None of the others could either. So we sat, laughing our brains out as minute by minute passed. Suddenly the loudest laugh stopped and replaced its'self with a squeal.

"Niall." Kaylee mumbled.

"Yes?" He asks, blue eyes looking at her.

"My water broke." She moaned.

"Are you sure it's not another false-"

"FALSE ALARM? WOULD THE BABIES FEEL LIKE THEY ARE TRYING TO KILL ME FROM THE INSIDE IF THIS WAS A FUDGING FALSE ALARM?" She shouted, clutching her stomach. We all jumped up, Niall already heading out the door, pulling Kaylee along.

I grabbed my keys to my silver camaro. The third and last car at the house. The rest of the boys watched Kaylee's Camaro speed off with Niall and Kaylee inside in the direction of the hospital. The girls rushed into Emily's red convertable and were gone before I could start my car with all the boys in it.

I sped off, hearing a thump and seeing Louis suddenly appear between Liam and me. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you for nearly killing me while I WASN'T BUCKLED!" He shouted. I smirked.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now