The night of day 4

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Kaylee's POV

"I'm pregnant." I said, looking around at everybody's expressions. Reactions. The raction I got wasn't what I expected.

Everybody started laughing.

I looked over at a shocked Niall.

"That's funny. Very funny." Corbyn says in between laughs. I look around with my mouth hanging open.

"You're not kidding. Are you?" Emily asks, looking at me up and down with a straight face. I shrug.

Next thing I know I have all these girls around me, cooing over my stomach and spitting out random questions and saying things at me. I laughed as I felt Niall come up to me and wrapped an arm around my waist, pushing aside the girls.

"Is it a boy or a girl?"

"What are you going to name it?"

"When did you have it?"

"When's the due date?"

"Girls. I think Kaylee wants to go to bed. Can you let her?" Niall asks, squeezing me gently, but tighter to him. I give him a grateful peck on the cheek.

"Oh. Sure. Sorry." Brea said, backing away as did the others.

"Thank you." I said, fake curtsying and waltzing off to my room.

I shifted in my drawers and pulled out some of my favorite Nike shorts and a t-shirt. I thought about the conversation downstairs as I pulled on my clothes for the night.

New baby. For sure.

And an apartment for a family.

I looked down at my stomach through my t-shirt and thought about how a baby. My baby, was there now. I was thinking about what they would look like, the gender, how they would act, things like that. And I suddenly became aware of the other person in the room.

My head snapped towards the doorway as I made out my husband in the dark. I smiled and watched him as he made his way over to my bed, getting under the covers, just laying there. I lightly chuckled under my breath as I made my way to the bed. As I got under my covers, I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me, pulling me closet to the familiar warm body. I snuggled closer and felt him kiss my head.

"Night my little angel." He whispered.

"Night my little blue eyed leprachaun." I whispered back. I soon felt his chest heave steadily up and down, his breath steady with sleep.

I heard a thump, muttering, and the bathroom door open and close. My eyes flickered over to the clock. 12:30. Who would be up at this hour? Especially without me? If it was a trick to get past Emily... Why wasn't I invited?

I decided to check it out. So I slowly slipped out of Niall's grasp, and out from under the covers. I shivered from the sudden coldness but shoved it aside. I silently made my way to the door and opened it, grimancing at the creak. Seeing no movement, I continued on my journey. I looked around the dark hallway, only light coming from under the bathroom door, covering the area in light. I made my way over and pressed my ear against the door, hearing faint slapping. I became curious, and slowly opened the door, squeezing my eyes shut at the brightness. I heard a gasp and forced my eyes open.

"Emily. What are you doing?" I asked, eyeing the girl with her hands behind her back.

"N-nothing." She stuttered, biting her lip.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not."

"You're biting your lip. You're nervous."

"Kaylee it's nothing. Go back to bed."

I cross my arms and lean against the doorframe, signaling I'm not about to move.

"You move." I argue.

"I'm not moving until you do." She snaps back.

"Fine. But don't you have a wedding in a few days?" She rolls her eyes.

I take this as my chance.

I jump forward, taking her by surprise, taking her arms from her back, gasping at the sight I see.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now