Month 6 out of 6 (We're going home)

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Niall's POV

I slowly peeled open my eyes to find Kaylee peacefully asleep. Her lips were slightly parted but was still smiling. Her eyes were slightly fluttering as her chest heaved up and down. I smiled and just took the moment to admire her. She slightly stirred and I stopped moving, thinking I'd wake her and interrupt this moment. Her eyelids fluttered open and I gazed into her hazel eyes. She smiled up at me as I leaned down and kissed her.

"Morning gorgeous." I say as I pull away.

"Moring hotness." She says, eyes widening. "Oh god. Did I really just say that?" She asks, blushing.

"You did. But it was cute." I say, kissing her forehead and slowly sitting up and stretching.

"Wow. You have big fudging muscles. They're like- Woah!" I hear Kaylee say. I spin around and see no sign of her.

"Kaylee?" I panic. I hearr a groan and look down over the edge.

"I fell." She says. I laugh as I hop down and help her up.

"You're clumsiness is adorable." I say, rubbing our noses together.

"Yeah... I know." She says, skipping away. I stare at the shutting curtains.

That's the girl I'm madly in love with.... I'm glad it's her I laugh before I step out into the cool main room.

Cobyn was on the couch, watching something. Kaylee was now helping herself to some Cheetos, staring out the window. Brea was scrolling through her phone. And Liam was on Emily's laptop, with no sign of her anywhere.

"Niall! Come say hi to the fans." Liam waves me over. Twit Cam.

"Hello." I say smiling.

"Hello to you too." Somebody says. I look up and see Emily smiling and walking towards the mini fridge.

"Hi Snuffalupacus" Corbyn chirps.

''I thought I was your teddy bear." Emily says as I slide over to Kaylee.

"You are." Cobyn shrugs.

"There she is. My lovely bride to be. Come. Sit." Liam says. Emily raises an eyebrow at him but sits down.

"Ruff." She plainly says. He tilts the camera towards her and she put her hands up to hide her. Liam takes them down and she rolls her eyes.

"Hello." She sweetly says.

"That used to be you two." Corbyn says, motioning to us. I look over at her and peck her cheek.

"So uh. When do we reach the airport?" I ask, whipping out my phone and stealing a Cheeto.

"About an hour, hour and a half?" Brea shrugs.

I check the time on my phone.


"This bus is so quiet compared to ours when we're on tour." I whisper to Kaylee. She laughs.

"Honey. Niall. Sweetie. We're just waking up. We haven't had our daily dose of sugar." She smirks.

"This is going to be a long ride." I mumble.

I stepped off the bus, pulling my hood up and looking around. I didn't expect a calm arrival. But this was madness.

As soon as all the others got off, they were swarmed into the crowd of cameras, flashes, questions, fans, and gossip hungry people. The guards protected me, knowing I was claustrophobic. But I ignored it and burst through the crowd, one thing on my mind.

Getting Kaylee out of there.

I pushed my way through, searching worridly for her. I finally found her familiar dark dark brown hair and made my way over towards it. I came up beside her, put an arm around her shoulders and guided her out of there, still hearing people call our names, but moving on to the soon to be married couple. I guess it was a good thing. Getting them off our backs. I bet Liam doesn't even mind the attention. Emily will probably want to get out of there.

"Let's go." I mumble to her, feeling her nod.

We push our way through, making sure she's securly in my arms. I hand both of our tickets to the lady at the tunnel, walking aboard and hoping security had got our bags on board safely.

"Thanks." She says, removing my hood.

"No problem. Anything to keep you with me." I say, sitting down and snogging her. I slid my tounge along her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She lets me in, our tounges battling for domiance.

"Okay then. You do that." I hear a voice say. I look up, blushing and snaking an arm around Kaylee's waist.

"Oh don't act like you and Louis don't do that." I snap.

"Well then." She pouts, going and sitting by Emily in the row behind us.

If everybody will make sure they're strapped in securely we will be taking off shortly. Thank you.

I buckle up and make sure Kaylee is too before relaxing.

"Niall. I'm tired." Kaylee whines.

"When are you not?" I laugh.

"Good point." She hums.

"But now I'm extremely tired because somebody woke me up early by breathing in my face." She says, laying her head on my shouler.

"Sorry." I say, rubbing her shoulder with my thumb.

"I was joking." She laughs. I roll my eyes as I feel the plane take off.

I soon hear slight snores coming from the girl beside me. I smile down at her and lightly kiss her forehead before taking off my snapback and slipping it on her head. I lay my head on that and fall asleep. With my girl. In my arms. Right where she belongs...

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