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"They're here!" Louis shouts.

"Don't forget, we have a game at 9." She says. I look at Haylee and Kaylee nodding their heads, Kaylee has a scowl.

"Silent treatment." I whisper in his ear.

Louis's POV

I looked up at Liam handing me my drink. I happily take it and down part of it. I look around to see Corbyn looking at the game and occasionally glancing in amusement at the over happy "couple". I'm guessing you can tell Niall would be pretty supportive for Kaylee? Adding the mother just made it worse. Him and Emily were on the edge of their seat, him hollering for Kaylee and her everybody.

"I thought you hated basketball." I say in amusement at Emily. She turns to me.

"Get this right. I love to watch, not play. Opposite of football. Not soccer football, football football Tommo." I scrunch my nose at the nickname she adopted for me.

"Corb--" I don't get to finish shouting.

"Emily! Stop being mean to him!" She defends me, eyes trained on the court. I hear Emily mimic her and return to the game. I smile, knowing I won and return to my drink.

"YES!" We all shout in unison as we make a goal. Kaylee is glaring visiously at the players. If looks could kill... *slides finger across throat*.

It was almosst to the end of the game and we had all settled down, becoming a little bored.

"Not in my house." Brea tsks to the player she just blocked. I stiffle back a laugh.

"Come on! We've got 10 minutes!" Their coach yelled.

Little did we know. A whole lot could happen in 10 minutes.

Harry was on his phone, occasionally looking up, not liking basketball. Liam was off to the side behind Emily, still doing the silent treatment. Niall was up and cheering as expected. Zayn was bored, not looking up from his phone. Corbyn was still watching the game intently, cheering but not as lous as phyco 1 and pycho 2. Emily was cheering along side Niall, being phyco 1. Jessica was watching the court, jumping up and down with cheers.

"KAYLEE WATCH-" Is all the coach gets out before a player roughly pushes Kaylee to the side, catching her off guard, the ball soaring past her as she falls head first into the bleachers.

"KAYLEE!" We shout in a chorus, rushing down to the girl. She groaned, eyes fluttering as blood appears above her eyebrows.

"We need to take her to the hospital." Jessica moves. I look back to see Emily and Niall frozen in shock. Niall looked like he was about to cry. I looked Emily in the eye and (with my eyes) told her to stay put, not leaving Niall. She argued but finally comforted Niall, his blue eyes shining with tears. I'm pretty sure she was crying too. All of us were. I look down to see her unconsious.

"I'll go." Brea says, stepping up.

"You twit, you can't go. You have a game to finish." Corbyn says, making her flinch as tears stream down Kaylee's cheeks.

I hear sirens and lift her up, holding her hopefully out of Niall's view and running to the awaiting ambulance. Before people can step out, I put her on the gurney inside, pushing past the doctors and feeling Corbyn follow.

"Sit over there so we can look at her.'' They order harshly, motioning to some seats squished in the corner. I sit down, rubbing Corbyn's shoulder as they mumble to each other. The doors quickly open and they pull her out, rushing her towards some doors. I got out, still supporting Corbyn and walked towards the front doors.

"We're looking for Kaylee Twilligear?" I ask the lady at the desk. She boredly looks at her computer.

"She doesn't have a room yet, you'll have to wait." She says. I nod and walk over to some chairs.

I start to nod off, thinking this could take a while before surprisingly hearing her name be called. I jump up, walking towards the doctor. That was quick I think before letting any other thoughts run through my mind. He leads us to a door on the 12th floor with out saying anything.

"He's so kind." Corbyn sarcastally says. I open the door and walk in, seeing Kaylee on a bed with wires hooked up and a scar on her forehead.

"This is going to crush Niall." Corbyn says. I heard yelling and peeked out the door. My friends were sitting there at the floor desk, Emily and Niall yelling. I stood watching, enjoying it.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Niall shouts.

"I'm sorry sir, I need some proof that you know her." The attendant said.

"If you don't let my baby right now. I will come over there, and rip off your--" I laugh at Emily, getting up in her face. They look over at me and relief flashes over their faces, racing towards me. I move aside and they ran in the room.

First Niall squeeled.

Then he froze.

Then he cried his eyes out.

Lastly, he fainted.

This was a bad sitituation.

"Can I please talk to the people responsible for her?" The doctor asks, walking in, not glancing up from his clipboard.

I turn to a passed out Niall.

"He kinda..." I say leading off, pointing to Niall. The doctor looks up and around again.

"Isn't there somebody else responsible for her?"He asks, I look at the others, seeing I'm the only one fit to talk to the man.

"Emily?" I ask. Her tear streaked face snapped up at her name.

"Yes?" She asks, pulling herself together, trying to be strong. I motion to the doctor and she nods, walking out with the man, their voices muffled.

"What?" Niall snaps up, eyes dancing around until they land on Kaylee. It was like a dam broke.

"Shh Niall. It's okay. She'll be fine. We just have to remain calm and--"

"No Liam! We can't just not react! Don't go all daddy direction on me." He snaps in a harsh tone, making Liam flinch and look away sighing. Wow. he never talked to anybody that way. Emily walks back in the room and eager eyes turn towards her.

"So?" Brea asks.

"He said she took quite a blow to the head, lucky to be alive." She says, wrapping an arm around a greif-stricken Niall, seeing daddy direction do nothing. "And we'll see the rest i-when she wakes up." Emily says, correcting herself. But I could see right through that lie.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now