Month 3 out of 6 WE'RE HALFWAY THERE

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Louis's POV

"Okay, okay." I say between laughs, finally calming down enough to talk.

"So, how have you guys been?" Corbyn asks, brown eyes sparkling with every word.

"Good. Good. How are you guys holding up?" I ask.

"Fine. Tour's been a little rougher than expected, but we've coped well." Brea says.

"We miss you." Niall says, talking particularly to his wife.

"Yeah... You too. I guess." Kaylee says back laughing.

"Well then. I'll act like that didn't hurt me." Niall says, putting a hand on his chest.

"Only 3 months left!" Harry happily says.

"Oh. Hey guys!" Two voices chirped on different sides of the screen. Liam walking behind us on our side and sitting down, and Emily on the other, showing up in sweats, very unusual.

"Oh. Hi." Liam nervously says, flashing a smile.

"Hey." Emily awkwardly says before eating some ice cream out of her tub and trudging off somewhere on the bus. Apparently they turned or something and she fell over.

"Fucking shit!" She hollers, huffing and doing something we couldn't see.

"Woah. Who shitted in her coffee this morning?" I ask.

"It's her time of the month, and she's pretty grouchy. HEY! You don't have to hit me for saying that!" Haylee hollers, rubbing her upper arm where she apparently got hit by something.

"What the hell did she hit you with?" Harry asks, getting protective.

"A chair." Haylee whines, still rubbing her arm.

"Where the fuck did she get a chair!?" Harry shouts. I hear somebody snicker.

"She made us stop at a toy store and get her Littlest Pet Shop toys." Kaylee says, holding up a plastic, minutaure chair. I start laughing.

"It's not funny!" An off-screen voice hollered. The girls looked off somewhere on the bus and flinched.

"Nice Louis. You pissed her off. Again." Corbyn sighs.

"Just think about if she has kids." Brea says. The girls look at each other and burst out laughing.

"I'd hate to be there." Jessica says.

"And who she'd be having them with!" Haylee chokes out. That only made them laugh more. Corbyn was the first to stop laughing and we all awkwardly glanced at Liam.

"Oh. Uh. Gotta go. She's turning sad again. Oh, she's watching something sad now. That's not good. At all. Love ya, BYE!" Haylee says before the screen goes black.

"Wow..." Harry says, closing Liam's laptop.

"That was something." I say, slowly nodding.

"Yeah..." Niall dreamily sighs, looking off into space.

"You miss he man." I say, patting his back.

"Yeah. I really do man." He says, putting his chin on his hands.

"I miss her too." I say reassuringly. He looks at me, surprisingly and angrily.

"What. Did you just say?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"I meant Corbyn! I meant Corbyn." I say putting my hands up in defense, lowering my arms as I see him ease up.

"Sorry for being so tense man. I just... I miss her so much." He says, looking at the floor.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now