Month 2 out of 6

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Hey! just got back from dentist appointment and it's been 30 minutes! I can end Emily hunger now! Muahahaha

BTW you need to go to and read a 1D fanfic called Torn. It has a sequel called Taken. I fell madly in love with it. It's a Niall, Harry, Lily love triangle. Trust me. You'll love it if you take the time to read it.


Harry's POV

I sighed as I gazed at the picture of me and Haylee in the movies. The paparazzi got it of us, but I loved it. I missed her so much. Only 4 months until she was back in my arms.


Being with her is turning me all lovey dovey. What happened to the bad ass image? Maybe I should break it off.

Haha. Jk. Scared you didn't I, I scared myself too...

I regretably locked the screen to my phone and looked up and around our flat. All the boys were on some sort of electronic device, except Louis. Who seemed to have disappeared. Right as I thought that, he walked through the door. He looked around as us tsking.

"No no. This won't do." He says, still looking around. I look at him like he's insane. He walks over to Zayn and snatches his  iPad out of his hand, walks over to Niall and takes the phone out of his hands.

"Bye Kaylee!" He shouts before glaring at Louis.

He took the laptop out of Liam's hands and walked over to me. I handed it up before he could snatch it up.

"Good." He says, dropping them all on the hardwood floor, making our jaws drop. He kicked them aside and looked around at us.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" I shout at him. He looks down at me since I was laying on the couch, he looks around making a duh face.

"Boys. This is the first manly sleepover since the girls have came into our lives. We need to do something manly. What we always used to do at sleepovers." He says grinning.

"Not everything we used to do." Niall whined from the chair, letting his head droop off the side.

"No. Mostly everything. Wadda say?" He asks grinning and looking around. I nod, seeing the others do the same.

"Let's start it off with some football." Liam suggests.

"Let's do it." I say, running outside and grabbing the nearest ball.

"Three on two." I growl at Niall, knowing we'll be on different teams.

"You're on skinny jeans." He smirks back. I looked hurt before spinning on my heel and seeing I'm on the team with 3. Liam and Zayn are smiling at me. I slowly nod, thinking we can win this.

"Zayn, goalie." I order. He nods before walking infront of the goal.

"Ready?" Louis shouts from the other goal, leaving Niall to cover the field. Well.. not a field.. More like a big yard thing.

"Your on Tommo." I snarl playfully at the other side.

"GO!' Somebody calls.

I start moving the ball, I see Niall close in on me and slyly pass it to Liam. But Niall was expecting that. He caught it with one foot and started making it move in the other direction. I heavily sigh before running off, seeing him kick it hard at Zayn, he dives. Blocking the ball.

Well... partly.

His hand touched the ball, making it stop before he fell in the dirt, but the ball tipped backwards into the goal.

"GOAL! WOOHOO!" Niall cheers, high-fiving Louis.

"It's not over yet Blondie." I snap as I see Zayn get up.

You might be able to tell that I'm very competitive.

Liam brings the ball back to the middle and I glare at Niall as I feel my foot make contact with the ball. I kick it to the side over to Liam, something Niall wasn't expecting. I take a few more steps before the ball comes soaring back to me, I chest bump it and bring it down to my feet once more, I face towards the goal where Louis is hunched and start kicking that way. I quickly kick it to my left and see Liam get it, I chuckle at Niall looking confused. Liam powerfully kicks it towards Louis who just misses it and I see the ball pull the net back.

"WOOHOO! THAT WAS...OW!" I holler, looking up and feeling somthing hit my eye. I bring my head down and blink, feeling something come out of it. I look up agian squinting and see raindrops crashing down.

"Oh well. A little rain never hurt anyone." Zayn says before switching spots with me.

"Boys! Get inside before you get hit by lighting. No arguing." The elderly landlady calls through the window.

"Yes mam." I pout, trudging towards the door. I open it and walk up to our flat, unlocking it and shaking my wet head before sighing and sitting down.

"Now what do we do?" Niall complains.

"NIALL!" I holler, looking at the wide eyed boy.

"What?" He asks, I glance over and see Louis smiling widely. Niall seems to understand and puts his head in his hands.

"What have I done?" He asks.

"The question is Nialler. What haven't you done?" Louis giddily asks before putting on his coat. "Put on your coats boys!" He pauses while tossing me my coat before finishing putting his on. "We've got pranks to pull."

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now