And the tears stream down my face

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Niall's POV

"I'll miss you." Kaylee sobbed into my shoulder. I felt silent tears streak down my cheeks as I stroked her hair. I kissed her head and just sat there, with her in my arms. I eavesdropped on the conversation with Liam and Zayn beside me.

"Are you sure it was about you?" Zayn ponders, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Yes! Who else would it be? What other man is in her life besides me?" Liam whisper-hollers back.

"Well, since the breakup, she's had plenty of time to find another man. And move on." Zayn says, still pissed. Liam made a sour face as if jealous.


"Well talk to her, do something. If you want her back, do it quickly." Zayn says, glancing at the lonesome girl on her phone.

"But Danielle... She's more perfect she-"

"Danielle is not more perfect. Danielle... she... never mind."

"Our schedules are busy we barely see each other." Liam carries on as if Zayn hadn't interrupted him.

Flight 864 to Australia now boarding a voice boomed through the airport.

"You too." I mumble before snogging her before she goes.

My wife, my princess. All mine.

"Love you." I say before letting her go, to be dragged off to the plane.

Well that hurt. That was the hardest thing I've ever done.

The others came and gave me a hug before they ran off also, following her.

And I feel the tears stream down my face.

Louis's POV

"We're just gonna record as we go." Corbyn explains, refusing to let go of me.

"I'm going to miss you 2 so much." I say, also hugging my newly found sissy.

"Same here." Brea sniffles, laughing. I smile.

"Now... Don't you go find some boy who's only going to break your heart." I warn Brea, glaring at Liam along with Corbyn.

"You either Missy." I say looking at Corbyn.

"YOU'RE MINE!" I holler, hugging her head. I hear her laugh through her tears as we get weird stares.

"Don't worry. Nobody is better than my sass master." She says. I feel the vibrations on my arms as she says it.

"I feel sooooo loved." Brea says, holding her arms open.

"I'M GONNA MISS YOU SISSY!" I shout as I let go of Corbyn and envelop her in a massive hug.

"Air." She gasps. I loosen up on my grip.

Flight 864 to Australia now boarding a voice boomed through the airport.

"We gotta go." Emily says, getting the girls before giving me a tear filled hug.

"Bye Lou." She says before waving and walking away sadly, with my girlfriend and my sister. I hear Corbyn shout over her shoulder.


I smile, and watch as the tears stream down my face.

Zayn's POV

"I don't give a- Hey Jess. What's up?" I start to say, but stop when Jessica walks up.

"Nothing much, too excited about tour to cry I guess." she shrugs. I nod.

"I was like that the first tour." Liam says awkwardly.

"Good. It's not just me." Jess says as Liam's phone starts ringing. He digs it out of his pocket and takes it out, smiling.

"Danielle?" I ask, slightly groaning.

"Yep. Gotta take this." he says walking off.

"So... " I awkwardly say, looking around as her phone rings.

"Parker. Gotta run." She squeals running off as Liam returns.

"Look, I get you don't like her or me for picking her over Emily. But you don't have to be so glum about it all the-"

Flight 864 to Australia now boarding. A voice booms through the airport and cuts Liam off. 

"Look. I love her. She loves me. We're happy together. Leave us alone." Liam sternly says before walking off to say his goodbyes to the girls.

"We gotta go."

"Bye." I say to them as they each give me the last hug for an entire year.

They all say bye and run off to catch their plane.

"BYE!" I shout across the big room as they get to the tunnel.

"ADIOS!" They all shout in unison.

I laugh as I feel the tears stream down my face.

Harry's POV

"In that case, I can never let you go." I say, tightening my grip on her.

"Harry. It. Hurts." She says.

"Yeah. Love hurts." I say, glancing at Emily, then back to Haylee as I loosen up.

"I'm gonna miss you so much." She says, tears in her eyes.

"I know, everybody does." I say, trying not to cry. She laughs.

It worked!

"Here, take this." I say, taking off my necklace and giving it to her.

"Harry, I can't take that." She says, eyes widening at the sight of my gold paper airplane necklace.

"You can and you will." I say, putting it around her neck. She looks at it and smiles weakly.

"Thanks." She says before hugging me. "Now you have to take this." She says, taking off a yarn bracelet with the letter H in it.

"Where the hell did you get this?" I ask, twirling it around.

"A fan gave it to me a few weeks ago." She answers, hands on hips.

Flight 864 to Australia now boarding. A voice boomed through the speakers all across the airport.

"Now. On the media. No matter what you see. I won't cheat on you." I say, looking into her eyes as pure relief pases through.

"Same here." She says teary eyed as she kisses me.

"Hate to break it to ya, but time to go." Emily says, coming by and rounding up the girls.

"Watch them." She says, gesturing to the boys. I turn back to her and give her a hug.

"No problem Mum."

"I thought we had no more sassing." She sternly tries to say as a tear rolls down her cheek. I smile.

"Too late." She laughs and runs off to the tunnel, giving Haylee time for one last goodbye.

"Bye." I say pecking her lips.

"Bye." She says before running off to the tunnel.

I see the plane take off, as I feel a part of my heart being ripped out.

And the tears stream down my face.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now