Beaching and Peeing

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Liam's POV

I smiled down at the sleeping girl. She fell asleep watching the horror movie I picked out, thinking it's be time for her to cling to me. The Thing. But it didn't work out as planned. She had screamed and jumped less than me. Dang Kaylee- I mean her ninja taught her good...

Her head moved up and down as I breathed. I saw her move in position to where she was laying on the couch facing me.

"I hate being smaller than you." She retorts, looking up at me.

"Good morning to you too." I say, kissing her head.

"Are you trying to make me mad?" She asks, cocking an eyebrow at me. I shake my head. "Good." She says, burying her head into the crook of my neck.

"I wonder how the others are." I ponder, realizing the mistake I made. Emily shoots up.

"Those little..." She sighed. "I really need to chill." She pauses, looking at me. "Wanna go to the beach?" She asks.

"How can I refuse when you're still in my clothes?" I smirk, she looks down at my black sweats and blue tee. "Plus. You look great in a bikini." I whisper in her ear. Her head turns to me.

"I swear, Harry is rubbing off on you even though you are nowhere near him." She says, pushing my pursed lips away.

"Put I didn't get a kiss all of yesterday!" I whine.

"Your fault. Mr. Now you don't get a kiss." She  says. "Now let's go." She says, dragging me to the bedroom.

"Ready?" I call, standing outside the bathroom door.

"Yeah." She replies, swooshing the door open and appearing in a string rainbowed bikini. She had her hair up in a messy bun and had no make up on.

"Oh my gosh. What's wrong?" She asks, rushing to the mirror, examing her face.

"You're just so beautiful, and a great-"

"No." She sushes me, walking past me and out the door. I still felt where her finger squished my lips before running out the door.

I find her in the kitchen, making sandwiches which I was guessing for the beach. I sneak up to her singing go quietly you had to be a foot away to hear.

"Don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine. And life makes love look hard. The stakes are high. The waters rough. But this love is ours. You never know what people have up their sleeves. Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me. Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles. But I don't care, cause right now you're mine." I snake my arms around her waist and she jumped.

"No. You're mine." I state laughing. I could feel her roll her eyes.

"You keep rolling those and they're going to get stuck." I say, grabbing the ready picnic basket.

"My seeing balls?" She asks.

"Exactly." I say, leading her out the door with one arm around her waist.

We walked out on the hot sand and I winced when it came over my flip flops and Emily did nothing. She was barefoot.

"How are your feet not dying?" I ask.

"Liam. Honey. I grew up in Texas. This means nothing." She says laughing. I set our basket down a fair amount of distance away from the house and the water.

"Come on Li Li!" She eggs. I look up to see her motioning for me to come by the edge of the water. I couldn't help the smile coming to my face and walked over to her. She took my hand and looked uncertantly at the water.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now