Month 2

46 2 3

Liam's POV

It had been 2 months into the accident. Kaylee was growing a bit and it was only 2 months away until we found out if it was a boy or a girl. I was a little concerned. I mean. She's only on month 2 and her stomach is bigger than it's supposed to be...

She may have more than 1 child.

I couldn't tell if Emily's state was getting better or worse. The doctors had told me that her scars had re-opened and had been infected. Not-good-thing-#1. Then, they said she might have brain damage/amnesia. Not-good-thing-#2. Lastly, I haven't slept or ate in forever. Besides the food being shoved in my mouth by the others. The doctors allowed me to stay overnight, seeing how reluctant I was to leave her.

Today, I was being pulled into the recording studio to record songs for our new album. Where we are. I ignored the chatter from the others and stared glumly out the window.

"Liam. We're here." Louis said, lightly shaking my shoulder and snapping me out of my trance. I tiredly nodded and heard the roars, screams, and chants coming from the fans outside the studio. I crouched as I walked out of the limo, squinting in the blinding light coming from the suns rays. The crowd got even louder as we started walking towards the doors.

They all chanted happy things, but I had to shrug some things off. They were supporting. But there was one that made my broken and shattered heart break even more...

If that was possible.

"Liam, she's never coming back to life. Why don't you move on from that untalented douche already?"

I'm guessing the lads could see how that one hurt me, because we ended up running inside. As the doors shut, I let the tears out.

"Shh. Li, it's okay." Niall comforted, rubbing my back as they helped me walk. I eventually calmed down as we reached the doors.

"You ready?" Harry asks all of us, but looking at me. I give a firm nod before the door opens.

(A/N: I know some of the lyrics to the best song ever! Can't wait! I bet it's another hit single!)

"Hey Liam, wanna go and get some take out?" Zayn gently asks. I shake my head. "Okay." He understandangly says. I sulk up to the house the girls owned and we like... Moved into.

"Hey guys." I croaked, falling onto the couch, seeing all the girls scattered around the room.

"As you were saying?" Corbyn says to Haylee, worridly looking at me.

"I just... I don't think I can take the crowds, the threats, the drama, the fame. Which is why I talked to Jeffery... I'm out of Infinity." Haylee said. My tired eyes shot open, looking at her.

"What?" We all ask at the same time.

"You heard me loud and clear. Now I'm going to go to bed. Seeing it's 10:15 and I'm sooo tired." She said.

"Well this is great!" Brea cheerily said, everybody looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "I mean, it's a sad slash happy sitituation."

"How so?" Kaylee asks.

"Well. There's  an open spot right?"


"Well that means Emily can take the spot!"

Everybody stares at her, mouth hanging open.

"If she agrees." Jess says.

"If she ever make it." Kaylee says, I cringe and she looks at me. "Sorry." She says, before turning to the others. Brea looks over at me and laughs.

"What?" I ask, partially annoyed.

"When you were in a coma, this is exactly how Emily looked." She laughs.

"So I'm not the only one who noticed?" Jessica asks, laughing. I roll my eyes.

"Well then.. We better get some shut eye." Corbyn says. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Shut eye. Who says shut eye?" I ask.

"You. You said it twice." Corbyn says, hiking up the stairs as I trudge behind. "And me!" She sings, shutting the door.

I make my way over to the end of the hallway and open and shut the door. I turn around and face our bedroom. We literally split the room in half. It was so precise that It was her comforter, and my pillows with the closet that stopped at one point, and carried on with my things.

I always found myself at the other side of the bed where she always laid. And on certain occasions, I would reach out, trying to find her. But she wasn't there.

I also found myself looking at her things. I bet this is what she was like. Wearing my clothes, mourning over my things. Wishing I was there with her. I was at times. But she didn't notice because it was in the hospital and I was a spirit, ghost thing.

I took my shirt off, leaving me in my boxers and crawled under the covers. I twisted the band on my left ring finger and felt a tear slip down my already tear-streaked cheek. I cried myself to sleep.



Should I have put that at the beginning?


OH! I'm going to start updating every Saturday. So


When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now