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Liam's POV

I walked into Kaylee's room, Niall asleep, holding her hand, not being able to see his face because it was pressed against the bed. Emily on the other side of the bed, also asleep, but leaning against the wall, her face scrunched up with worry.

"Hey Li Li." She says, eyes fluttering open. She looked like crap. Her hair had been un brushed, looking like a rat's nest, her makeup was smeared, and her clothes were the same as from the night of the accident. But it was beautiful to me.

"Hey. You look...." I say, having no words.

"If you think I'm shitty, you should see Niall." She says, looking sorrowly at the sleeping Irish man. I flinch at her choice of words, but know it's because she's tired.

"Babe. You need to take a day off." I say, looking at her and seeing her with bags under her eyes, dark circles, and just... shitty. "You haven't eaten or slept since the accident, you need to." I say, supporting her up as her eyelids go heavy but snap open.

"No. I can't leave her. What if she wakes up? What if she--"

"Has anything happened?" Niall's sleepy voice asked out, his sleepy head coming up from Kaylee's bed. She was right. She looked like shit and he looked like... bluugh. No words. Emily looks at him with sorry eyes.

"No Niall. I would've woken you." She says. I feel a pinch in the gut. Jealously? No... "Go back to sleep Niall." She says, walking over to him and stroking his hair as he tiredly laid back, tears roaming down his cheeks before laying down. He actually looked kinda cute. No wonder Emily was googling over him. She smiled brightly at the sleeping couple before turning to me.

"Come on." I say laughing at her tired clumsiness. She looks up at me.

"Liam. This isn't funny." God she was moody. Wait. What's the date? Oh...

"I know. It just... Seems like you're over reacting a bit." I mumble.

"Liam! We can't act like this hasn't happened!" She snaps at me, soon looking at me apologetically.

"But we can't end life because of it Emily!" I snap back. She winces, that came out harsher than intended. She looks at me and shakes her head.

"Liam. You obviously don't see how much we care about her. I had to literally yell at the other girls for them to get out and Louis started crying. I feel so bad." She says, tears coming. Wow Kaylee, go and get hurt during emotional time.

"But that doesn't mean you can't leave the room!" I say.

"I care about all of these people with my life. I'd die for them." She says, I turn and start to walk out the door. "Even you." I hear as the door shuts behind me. I sat by the door but only heard Niall silently sobbing.

He missed her...

Kaylee's POV




I opened my eyes, feeling pain all over but it quickly subsided. I looked around. White walls, white sheets, thin gown, and bed. Wait...


It makes sense and doesn't surprise me.




I looked around and saw a brunette in one of the chairs beside the bed and machines, her head was hung, looking at her phone, she looked like crap. Then I was aware of a heavy feeling on my left side. I looked down and saw a blonde mess of hair, holding my hand and laying on the bed. He seemed like he would look like the girl or worse. It felt like he belonged there, like I needed him.







The heart monitor started making rapid noises and I felt my heart race at the thought of the boy. The brunette's head snapped up and her blue eyes sparkled behind the tired eyes and smeared make-up.

"Oh my god. Kaylee!" She screeches, rushing forward and hugging me. I felt a motherly vibe from her. "Niall. Niall. Wake up." She says, shaking the blonde. he wakes up, tiredly blinking, eyes lighting up with joy as he sees me.

"KAYLEE!" He says, reaching up and snogging me. It felt right. But I didn't know the stranger apparently named Niall.


He pulled away, eyeing me worriedly.

"You okay Kaylee?" He asks as the girl talks to somebody on the phone, telling them to come up here quickly.

"Kaylee?" He asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" I ask the hot apparently Irish blonde and the motherly brunette. They look at each other, gaping, and he looks like he's about to cry. The brunette called a doctor in and he listened to her, glancing at me.

"Okay Kaylee. Emily here tells me she thinks you have amnesia. Let's test that." He says, motioning to the brunette who was comforting the boy. I tried to figure out their relationship. Married? They both had rings on. But I felt a strange tug at my gut. Jealously and something telling me I'm wrong.

"What's your full name?"

"Kaylee Nichole Twilligear."


"October 20th 1993."

"Current relationship status?" I look at him with blank eyes.

"I'm not sure." I say, eyes flickering to the blue eyed, Irish, blonde boy.





"Family's names?"

"Todd, Michelle, and Abby."

"Do you remember any of these people?" He asks, motioning to all the people that walked in.

"No." I shake my head and their faces fall. The doctor walks out, scribbling on his clipboard. They all looked at me sadly.

"Did I do something?" I ask, feeling guilty.

"You don't recognize any of us?" A curly haired boy asked.

"Yeah! You're Harry Styles! From One Direction! And you're Louis, Liam,  and Zayn!" I say, fangirling. "Where's Niall?" I ask, feeling my heart sink.

"Here." The brunette (Emily) says, pointing to the blonde in her arms. I widen my eyes in realization.

"And... He's your husband." A girl in converses said. I almost screamed.

I'M MARRIED TO NIALL HORAN!? Am I getting punk'd?

The doctor walked in. "Kaylee. It's been decided. You have amnesia"

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now