Day 32

44 1 0

Corbyn's POV

"Okay. Why am I wearing a dress again?" Kaylee pouts.

"Becuse it's your birthday." Emily says.

"In that case I should be able to wear whatever I want mrs. fashion." At this, Emily narrowed her eyes.

"The slouchiest you're dressing is jeans and a t-shirt. Raid my closet if you'd like." She says towards the birthday girl. Her eyes light up as she dashes off.

"She does know we're going to a party... right?" I ask, watching as the last of her dress disappeared above the staircase.

"Nope." Emily states.

"How'd you get all of it done?" Haylee asks.

"Weelll you know the day that we met Jeffery for the first time?" She mumbles the next few words. "Speaking of which, we have a photoshoot tomorrow." She glances up at us. "Anywho. When I talked to him privately I asked him if we could have a party in the main lobby since it's huge. He started to say no. But I told him how much publicity we could get, the top people could come in and get us out there and all that crap. He finally said yes." She squealed.

"Shut up. Here she comes." I harsly whisper, hearing her thump down the stairs. I turn in the chair and see her in jeans, a t-shirt, and Sperrys. She had wiped off all the make-up and pulled her curled hair into a ponytail. She took off the jewlery and  had her Coach purse swinging by her side. Emily looked at her, raising an eyebrow. She started to object but shut her mouth. She completly ruined what Emily had done to her in 2 hours, and jacked it up in 5 minutes.

"Well. We better go before it's too late. If we get back too late, you'll never get up." Emily says, smooting out her dress and handing Kaylee the keys to her Camaro.

"Acca-cuse me." She protests, catching her keys.

"Yes?" All eyes go to the 2 girls who had been playfully bickering all night.

"We didn't do it last time!" She whines, crossing her arms.

"Yes. Having to blast an airhorn in your face, drag your heavy bodies down the stairs, and throw you in the pool sounds like waking up easily to me." Emily says.

"We woke up perfectly when you shoved us in." She protests.

"Yes. And then you turned killer." Emily says, raising an eyebrow and opening the door.

"Come on guys. Got everything?" We al groan yes. "Then come on!" Kaylee shouts, racing towards her car.

"She doesn't know where we're going." Brea whispers.

"All she knows is that we're going to see Jeremy."

"Whatever." I sigh, stepping into the car. Kaylee started to back out when Emily stopped her.

"Everybody buckled?" She asks. We groan. "I'm not hearing an answer."

"YES!" We shout.

"Good." She lets Kaylee proceed. I looked out the window, wondering what the party would be like, what would happen, what would go down.

"Corbs. We're here." Somebody shook me. I met Haylee's eyes and climbed out of the car.

"CORBYN!" I turn around.

"LOUIS!" He gives me a bear hug.

"What are you doing here?" Kaylee asks, looking around.

"For-- Oomph!" He looks at me, digging an elbow in his side. "Was I not supposed to say that?" He asks. I fiercly nod my head.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now