The house and the well... the house

55 1 4

Louis' POV

I groaned and rolled on my side, forcing my eyes open, wiping the sleep from them. I focused on the person in front of me. His hair was askew and hanging down in his face. His emerald green orbs were shut, eyelids fluttering as he dreamt. His mouth was shut and you could hear light but cute snores coming from him. I kissed his forehead.

"My Hazza." I softly say, jumping up and seeing nobody else up. The fans would die if they saw this Larry Stylinson moment.

"Superman!" I whisper/shout as I pretend to fly around the house. I start to fly down the stairs with my eyes closed.

Big mistake.

I tripped down the stairs and crashed into a table, making something fall with a crash. I opened my eyes and saw a glass figurine had shattered and Harry and Kaylee were looking at me.

"Louis!" Kaylee scolds.

"Kaylee!" I say smiling.

"Harry!" Harry shouts. My eyes dart over to the boy smiling like the cupcake he is.

"I'm hungry!" I whisper whine to the girl who was no in charge. I guess...

"Go cook something yourself ya dick." She grumbles, cuddling back with Niall.

"Somebody's grouchy." Harry mumbles, he turns to me. "I'll cook with you Boo." I smiled and ran up over the shards of glass, ignoring the pain.

"Thanks Hazza! You're better at cooking than me anyways." I whisper, not getting off of his back as he walked into the kitchen. He just chuckled.

"Boo Bear you can get off me." He says.

"What if I don't want to?" I ask, clinging tighter to his shirt.

"Then no food for you." He says.

"Haz. I'm Louis, not Niall." I say, trying to be strong since I was starving.

"Good point. But you are starving." He smirks at me. I hop off and wait at the bar for the food.

"Come and get your pancakes." Harry says, holding up a plate of them with bacon. My eyes widen as I rush towards them, quickly stopping, feeling a sharp pain in my foot. I hop back to my seat and notice Harry's eyes on me.

"What happened?" He asks, green eyes sparkling with worry.

"Damn shards." I chuckle, seeing parts of my bare feet shining.

"Louis!" Harry whines. "You shouldn't have ran over the shards barefoot!" He scolds, coming over and looking at the bottom of my feet. He looks at me with worry and anger.

"We need to get these out.'' He says looking around, eyes resting on my blue ones.

"What are you- HAZ!" I shout as he picks me up bridal style and carried me past the sleeping people, still none of them awoken. He goes around the shards, wincing once and leading me up the stairs to the bathroom. He set me on the counter and began digging through the drawers. He finally picked something up, bringing out a pair of tweezers.

"Hazza." I uncomfortably say, looking at the tweezers, picking at some of the shards, getting 2 of them out.

"Boo it'll make you feel better." He says. I squeeze my eyes shut as I hold one of my feet out. About 6 pinches later he motioned for me to hand over the other foot. I do and these hurt more.

"Done." He announces. I look at the shards and see some coated in blood. I wince and look at my slightly bleeding feet.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod and gently get off the counter, wincing at the pain. I shut my eyes and shake my head side to side. He motions for me to jump in his arms. I gladly oblige and jump, feeling him carry me down the steps as I bury my head in his shirt. He sits me on the chair I was on earlier and quickly tends to the food. He hands me mine and I shovel it down. He comes over and kisses my forehead like we always do.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu