Day 2 and SAD

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Somebody's upset with me. That's why I wrote this because I am the one who should be upset. I didn't do anything. So HERE!

Haylee's POV

Well here goes nothing... I am super scared.

"Do we have to do this?" I ask Harry.

"Come on! It'll be fun. You'll probably lose something on the way though..." He said as he guided my body towards the edge.

"So. here's the cord for the bunjee jumping. Just hook this to your belt," The instructor said.

Made you think didn't I?

I hooked mine onto my belt as Harry hooked his. I think this hook isn't very stable... Oh well.

"Ready?" Harry asked as we took hands.

"As I'll ever be," I said shakily.

"One," The instructor said.


I held Harry's hand tighter.


We jumped off the cliff.

It was amazing! I felt the wind in my hair as we spiraled downwards. The bunjee caught us at the bottom. I heard a snapping sound. We went down a second time. The bunjee caught Harry. I cant say the same for me.

"HAYLEE!" Harry screamed.

"HARRY!" I screamed as I fell to my death.

Emily's POV

Where are my ducklings?

"DUCKLINGS!!!" I screamed from the kitchen.

"Shit!" I heard Corbyn yell.

"She doesn't sound mad!" Brea said in a cheery tone.

"Oh..." Corbyn muttered.

I saw all my little ducklings come down except one. Brea was in a robe with her hair toweled up and makeup done. Corbyn was holding a hair straightener. Jessie was holding a nude colored short dress with black lace on it and black pumps.

I got the message.

"You are going to a party and didn't tell me?" I said to Brea.

"You were taking a nap! I didn't want to wake you!" Brea said.

"Where are you going?" I asked as she tried to sneak back upstairs.

"Umm.." Brea started. She started talking really fast. "At the baseball game Jake asked me if I wanted to go out Friday and I asked where and he said a club and I said cool that I could wear and awesome new dress and I've got thirty minutes so I have to be fast!"

"Okay okay, -- wait. A CLUB?! Dressed in THAT???" I yelled. "You could get RAPED!"

"Relax! I will have Jake with me. You are getting as bad as Louis," Brea said.

"Just go," I sighed. Brea squealed. "And where's Haylee?"

"With Harry," Corbyn replied.

I dialed Liam's number.

"Hello?" Liam asked.


"Is Harry with you?" Liam sounded panicked.

"No," I started. "Is Haylee with you?" I asked.

"No," He said. "I'll call Harry."

"Already dialing... See you tomorrow! Bye" I said.

"Hello?" Harry said. He was in tears.

"Harry?" I started. "Where's Haylee?" I asked.

"Haylee's dead," He cracked.


"We were bunjee jumping!" he yelled.

"Get your butt here right now. I'll make funeral arrangements."

I hung up.

And burst into tears.


Cliffhangers! AH! And BOOM! I almost typed boob... Whoops. And don't be mad!

Emily the mother duck.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now