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Jessica's POV

It was after the premire party and we literally had to drag Emily out of there before she would either burst to tears and shatter into pieces, or she blew and you couldn't break her.

As you can tell, she can get very stubborn.

"I suggest we have a movie night." Kaylee suggests, breaing the silence that filled the limo.

"I suggest the boys go home. They haven't been in forever." Emily says, looking across the limo and warily at Liam. She had been avoiding him since the Danielle thing.

"But I like it at your house! It's so much funner!" Louis whines.

"Tommo. Funner is not a word. Specific people can do the things that get on my nerves. You are not one of them." Emily said, stepping out of the limo. I haden't realized we had arrived at the house.

"We're having a movie night. End of discussion." Liam says. I happily nod and skip up to the house.

"But I don't wanna watch... Whatever we're watching." Emily whines as Liam tries to drag her out of her room and stay away from him at the same time.

"Emily please." He begs.

"Well, since you put it that way... NO!" She says. I hear Liam groan.

"Emiilllyyyyeeeee!" Brea whines.

"Coming!" Emily's voice says. She soon is down the stairs, sitting by me. Liam trudges down the stairs.

"Okay. Who did what to get her down the stairs?" Corbyn asks, appearing with a popcorn bowl in hand.

"I whined." Brea proudly says.

"I told her we would watch her favorite movie if she comes down and sits by me." Liam says, moving her to where there's room for him.

"We are not I repeat not going to watch Finding Nemo." Haylee snaps.

"Not that. That's my favorite Disney movie." Emily explains. Her eyes flicker to Corbyn and Louis before smirking.

"Oh god."

"Please no."

"This better not be what I think it is."

"GREASE! DUN DUN DUN!" Emily exclaims, getting from the couch to the DVDs an a few seconds.

"Do you never get tired of that?" I ask. She shakes her head.

"Jess. How do you get tired of Grease?" I shrug. "It's a musical! You sing, they sing. It's awesome." She says, returning to her spot by me and Liam.

"She's out." Liam says, moving some hair from her face.

"Our movie time!" Harry whiisper/shouts.

"But Grease isn't over!" Louis and Niall whine while Corbyn doesn't look happy nor sad.

"Well too bad." Brea says, putting something in.

Forrest Gump

"She would kill us if she knew we were watching this without her." I harsly whisper, looking warily at the stirring Emily.

"Then we'll die." Haylee says, shrugging.


I guess we all die.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя