B is for bacon and babysitting, and we get it mall to ourselves

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Emily's POV

Okay. Today was... It was great! Then it got messy which led to chaos starting... Here. Let me tell you the rest.

I woke up at 12:25 in the afternoon. I was all alone in my room and sighed, knowing that there were only two girls I know in this house. And only two boys I knew.


I opened one of the windows and it was fairly warm outside (unusual for London) so I stuck on some denim shorts, a pink top with gold Ray Bans and a mustache. I added some gladiator sandals and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

It has been a week since my release from the hospital, and we had gone over things and I was gaining things back slowly. I had remembered when Corbyn, Haylee, and me got called to the principal's office for pulling a prank I was no part of. Me stalking Brea on her date with Jake. And the first day we had all met, how Louis called me Super girl and we had a little scene, but nothing about my past relationship with Liam. Kaylee and Niall's parents had come to see the little babies and had just left yesterday after their 3 day stay.

I happily skipped down the stairs for no reason whatsoever and the smell of bacon immediately grabbed my attention. 

At the bottom of the stairs I raced towards the kitchen, ignoring the protests of my now cold feet. I crashed through the kitchen doors and saw Harry standing by the oven, a plate of bacon beside him. I ignored everybody's hellos and good mornings and went straight for the plate of heaven.

"Hey Styles." I greeted, grabbing the plate of bacon and walking away.

"HOLD UP!" Somebody yelled. I stuffed my face with bacon and slowly turned around. The boy named Louis was standing up, glaring at me.

"Yes?" I sweetly ask, pulling a bacon smile.

"Put down the bacon." He warned. Everybody turned quiet, looking nervously between us. I looked him dead in his sea foam, blue eyes.

"No." I stated. His jaw dropped and gasps filled the room. He soon had on a sassy face which I quickly returned.

"Put the bacon back." He said one last time. I reached down and put 2 more pieces in my mouth, leaving three left. Everybody gasped.

"You monster." Somebody gasped. I smirked as he took a step towards me and I nearly burst out laughing. He was wearing no top,  like all the boys,(Hello abs!) but his pants were a different story. They were white with pink hearts on them.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I laughed. He glanced down.

"I had to borrow some clothes." He shrugged before lunging at me. I narrowly avoided it and dashed through the living room.

"SHE'S GOT THE BACON!" Somebody yelled, making me laugh as I reached the stairs. As I got to the top, everybody burst through the kitchen door. Right as the front door opened and Kaylee walked in.

"Hey, could one of you guys- What is going on here?" she asked as I slammed my bedroom door shut, locking it and completely forgetting Liam had a key.

"SHE'S GOT THE BACON!" Somebody repeated.

"What?" Kaylee gasps back. "GET HER!" she hollered. I laughed as I heard banging on the door and I ate 2 of the pieces, leaving one left. The door flew open and eager people stood there as Liam shoved something in his pocket. I held the last piece of bacon up to my mouth as people gasped. 

"Don't move! Move and I'll eat it." I warned.

"Come on. You wouldn't do it." Haylee said and I opened my mouth, licking part of it. "OH MY GOD SHE DID." She said once more.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now