Day before New Years Eve

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Corbyn's POV

"Does anybody know what's wrong with Emily? She is curled up in a ball, clutching her head and her side." Liam worridly says, looking around. I share a look with the other girls. They seemed to say, "It's your turn." I sighed and stood up, walking to the bathroom.

"I'll get the Advil. Liam. You're going to have to spend part of the day in bed just doing stuff." I explain, digging around the medicine cabinet I had gone to.

"Well what's wrong with her!?" He demands. I pick up the bottle and face him.

"She's got one of her bad headaches. She's had worse. According to her anyways. She needs to take this." I say, holding out a pill. "And just sit and wait for the headache and abdomen pain to go away. She needs to eat a lot, because she gets these easily from hunger at this time. Now go. I want her healthy." I say, shooing him out of the bathroom. He nods, mumbles thanks, and runs off to her bedroom.

I go back down to the living room and click on a random channel.

"Oh I'm such an idiot!" I mumble to myself.

"What did you do this time?" Jessica asks. Apparently her and the others had appeared with out my knowing.

"What is the date?" I ask, putting head in hands.

"December 30th. Why?" Zayn answers. (A/N: I realized I skipped Christmas, make your own story for it.) I groan and look at the other girls.

"We did it again. Didn't we?" Brea asks, making a disgusted face.

"She doesn't seem to really care." Kaylee says.

"What's up with Em?" Liam asks,walking down the stairs. I look at him.

"How did you know we were talking about her?" Jess asks.

"I just know. It's like a 6th sense." He says, making weird gestures to his head.

"I'll just pretend like that isn't totally creepy." Kaylee says, turning to us.

"But what did yall do?" Louis asks, impersonating a Texan accent and failing miserably.

"We forgot her birthday again. It was on the 18th." I explain after laughing at him.

"You forgot my birthday." Haylee says.

"Mine too." Jess pipes.

"We were on tour. And you told us to forget it. Well Emily did too. But she's done so much for us. The one time she will give in to letting us do anything back is her birthday, or a holliday." Kaylee says.

"Oh. She let me take her to dinner." Liam says. Something clicks.

"Liam." I slowly say. He looks at me. "Why are you here when you're supposed to be with Emily?" I ask.

"Oh! She wanted to take a shower after her headache left." He says, turning to the television.

"About the birthday." Brea says, obvisouly wanting to do something.

"We'll just have to wait for the wedding." I say smirking.

Plans were made that night.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Where stories live. Discover now