I'm home!

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Haylee's POV

I exited the tunnel, following the others and headed straight to luggage claim. It seemed to take forever for my bags to go around the belt and finally come to me, but I was waiting on my other one still.

"We're here. I don't see you. Yeah we're at the luggage claim." Corbyn was saying.

"Yeah! And we can go there, and oh oh oh! There." Jess was saying to Brea.

"Yes! This is going to be the best date ever!" Kaylee said to Niall.

"We will decide soon. We just need to see a professional." Liam was saying to Emily. 

"Where is it?" I mumble, looking at the convyer belt that still hadn't held my bag.

"Excuse me. Is this what you're looking for?" a deep voice asked from behind me, tapping my shoulder. I spin around and snatch the bag out of his hands.

"Yes it is. Thank you- HARRY!'' I say before wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Hello beautiful. I missed you." He says into my hair, not letting go of me.

"Hello cheeky. I missed you too." I say laughing.

"You didn't have to do all this." Emily says while I stare around the place that used to be Kaylee's flat. But now transformed into a big welcome home party for the 15 of us.

Yes. 15. Perrie brought the rest of the gang.

"Yes we did." Louis says, messing up her hair.

Bad move Tommo.

Next thing you knew. BOOM. Emily had wrestled Louis to the ground. She pinned his arms beside his head and she sat on his legs, restraining him from any movement.

"What do you say?" She sweetly asks.

"Sorry." He says. She immedantly gets off of him and fixes her hair.

"I'm Emily." She sighs, sticking her hand out to Jade.

"Jade." She says laughing and shaking it. Soon we were all introduced and were eating cake. I picked the icing off and ate it just by itsself. Leaving the cake part untouched.

"Who wants to go swimming?" Zayn asks.

"Me! Me! MeMe!'' Louis cries, throwing a hand in the air.

"Let's go then!" Kaylee shouts, running towards the door. But missing the wide open door and running into the doorframe.

"I'm alright!" She shouts before dissappearing and leaving us to follow.


Hey guys! I was just wondering if I should go far enough to put a sex scene in? Tell me your answers plz!

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