Month 6

38 1 1

Niall's POV

I was out and about after recording for the new album. It was hard to not go around the house singing the new songs I had to learn. But I did it.

I was now home and my stomach grumbled as Kaylee laid lazily up in our room. Her stomach was bigger and we found out we were having triplets. We decided we didn't want to know the gender so we just bought lots of things. We couldn't find the keys to the flat Emily got us. So we didn't get to decorate the room yet.

I hopped up and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and shut it, making my way to my phone, going onto Twitter.

NiallofficalHoran: @kayleetwizzler, Princess why is fridge completely empty? I'm hungry #NiallsHungry

A few seconds later my phone buzzed and I smirked, knowing who it was.

Kayleetwizzler: @NiallofficialHoran, you should've thought about it yesterday when I told you to go to the supermarket and buy groceries #PregnantLadiesEatALot

She had been getting food cravings and the moodiness had been on low. I quickly replied.

NiallofficialHoran: @Kayleetwizzler, I'm sorry. Do you need chocolate too? I will leave you for 30 minutes. Call me whenever you need me.

I grabbed my keys and rushed out the door, the last thing I heard, was her laughing.

Okay. So maybe I totally forgot that Kaylee had to get her Wisdom teeth taken out today.


We had made it just in time and she was now after and she was on the laughing gas. She had looked up at the dentist with the most serious face she could manage.

"Mr. Tooth worker sir?" She asked as the dentist chuckled and pulled off his gloves.

"Yes?" He asks.

"I have a serious problem I need you to help me with." The dentist nodded at her, telling her to go on. She held up her hands and wiggled her fingers. "What are these strange obstacles on my slappy things?" She asks in awe.

"Don't you mean objects and hands Princess?" I ask, trying not to laugh. She puts a questioning look on her face as she looks at me.

"If I'm the princess you must be my prince!" I laugh. "Which means you were once an ugly toad. But it met this ninja fairy named Puberty and now you're here!" She said throwing her arms around me neck.

I waved at the dentist as we walked out and I helped her into the car. She looked funnily at the sunglasses.

"Are these to hide our identies to hide us. So nobody knows I'm from a famous boyband you're from Infinity?" She asks. I laugh.

"That's exactly what they are." I say. She nods, sliding them on.

"I'm like... James Bond or something." She says. I laugh as she notices the gauze in her mouth. "What is this substance that is in my- I'M BLEEDING!" She held her mouth in an 0 shape, looking from the bloody gauze up to me, making me laugh.

"Yes. But it's okay." I say, shoving her hand out of my face.

"Oh..." She says, looking out the window of her car. "Is it magical blood? And is- THE TREES ARE MOVING!" She gasped, moving her head side to side as we passed a line of trees by the house.

"Sure are Princess." I laugh, helping her in the house. She started messing with my hair as we sat on the couch.

"Yes?" I ask as she twirls it around.

"Your hair is so, so... Irish." She breathes out. I laugh.

"You think so?" I ask after I had calmed down.

When 2 become 1 (sequel to When 2 bands collide)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora