When You're Jealous

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"Tell me this one thing and you'll get my cracker!" You told Dylan as he sat across from you at the lunch table. He rose a challenging brow and nodded.

"What?" He asked, a clear cockiness in his voice. But you liked it.

"If I went over and hugged..." You looked around the room. "Derek. What would you do?" Dylan looked behind him at the guy I mentioned.

"I'd hold you here and hold you until lunch ended, maybe even a minute longer." He said calmly, the cocky smirk still on his face.

"So I guess I shouldn't ask what you'd do if I kissed him?" You jokes but his smirk fell, his face grew serious.

"I'd make sure you'd know who's the alpha in this pack," he said with his arms crossed across his chest. You rose your eyebrow, you were confused by what he meant. Alpha? You weren't talking about wolves. Oh boy.

"Mm," you mumbled. "Me?" You asked, but it came off as it was you. The alpha was going to be you.

He let out a little laugh. "How's about we make a deal, bud?" He asked and you leaned in, getting intrigued. He was our boyfriend, yes, but the two of you were odd. It was like you were more best friends, always trying to have competitions with each other. And you being too stubborn, prideful, and curious agreed to most of them with a hope of winning.

Currently you were tied.

So doing this challenge would mean you had a chance at winning. "Okay, bring it on!" You said excitedly and he pressed his lips together in thought.

"We both pick someone in here, and we try to make the other jealous." It sounded stupid, but you agreed because Dylan rarely got jealous and it'd be fun to see him lose his handle. Of course after you'd let him know he was the only one for you and he was the most attractive man in the world to you. Which maybe was a little lie? There was Liam Hemsworth and Scott Eastwood to think about so...

"Deal." You said. "What do I get when I win?" You asked and he laughed.

"When? You think I can't make you jealous (y/n)?" That was the reason for you saying when, yes.

"It'll be pretty hard," you stated. "So what do I win, Dylan?" He rolled his eyes but thought over in his head quickly.

"A free meal at Taco Bell." That was a pretty good prize. "And me?" He asked.

"A slap on the face for suggesting we do this?" You asked and he pouted. "Um okay, I'll buy you something too, but not food." He nodded, he was satisfied with that.

"Alright so the prize for both of us is basically a free thing," he mumbled. "Do you want to start now or can we wait after lunch?" He asked and you smiled.

"We can just use this five minutes to pick out our victims." You pointed out and he agreed.

He turned to look at you again. "Who don't you want me to pick?" He asked and you narrowed your eyes at him.

"Why, so you can go pick them and get a jump on me! No way am I going to let you do that."

"No, (y/n), I want to know so I don't pick someone you hate and actually hurt your feelings." He said and you nodded, sounded truthful.

"Jenny, and uh... Nicole." You said. "They sabotaged my talent show act in the 5th grade, they don't deserve your attention." He laughed and nodded.

"Okay I guess I'll go with... Anne." Why did he seem so cheery when he said her name? You looked at Anne and realized she was actually pretty cute. Why hadn't you noticed this before? Frick.

Dylan O'Brien (ıṃѧɢıṅєṡ & ƿяєғєяєṅċєṡ)Where stories live. Discover now