Thirty - One - First Pregnancy Scan.

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Seven Weeks Later.

"Luke! I'm not wearing that! It's too... Girly." I whine, throwing the maternity dress back at Luke. He sighed in frustration as he caught it. He shoved it into one of his co-workers hands before looking through the racks of maternity clothes.

"How about these?" Luke asked as he showed me a pair of black leggings and a cream baggy sweater. I smiled and nodded before taking them from him. "When is Harry picking you up?" Luke asked me as I began changing.

"A few minutes. Our appointment is at two. We get to see the baby for the first time. Oh! You know Briana? She is due any day now." I smiled, thinking about my blonde haired friend that I've grown quite close to these past few weeks.

"That's great. Make sure you and Harry spill all the beans about my God child! Oh! And get me a scan photo as well!" Luke tells me and I giggle and step out of the changing room. I smile as I see Harry come into the studio, fresh from his office. His hair was messy, his briefcase in his hand and his eyes searching widely for me.

"Hey, Haz." I smile sarcastically and Harry rushed over to me and kissed my lips, then, placed his hand on my stomach.

"Hi, Peanut." Harry smiles and I giggle. "Are you ready?" Harry asked and I nod and thank Luke for the outfit and tell him that we'll see him tonight before following Harry out of the studio.

Harry parks the car at the hospital and we get out. I grabbed Harry' hand as we make our way inside. We get to the reception and an lovely old lady sends us a smile.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" She asked and I smile at her as Harry speaks.

"Appointment for Wood?" Harry says and the lady nods and tells us to take a seat. Harry also got my name changed to Wood four weeks ago and I couldn't be happier. We sit and wait for a few minutes before my name is called.

"Good afternoon, Miss Wood and Mr Styles. If you would lift your shirt up, please, Miss Wood." The doctor says and I nod and lift up my shirt. "This may be cold." She smiles as she squirts cold petroleum jelly onto my stomach, then, grabs the wand that is connected to the ultrasound machine and brings it to my stomach. "First child?" She asked and Harry and I nod.

I grabbed Harry' hand as a picture fills the screen, but, then, splits in two. The doctor looks shocked for a moment before smiling. "My, my, this is a surprise. You seem to be expecting twins. They look happy and healthy." The doctor smiles and I turn to Harry in shock and his eyes were glued onto the screen, adoration in his eyes.

At that moment, I knew that everything would be okay.


We got to the restaurant where we were meeting Luke and Calum for dinner to tell them the news. My eyes haven't left Emily' stomach all day. The news that we are having twins hit me like a ton of bricks, but, I'm happy nevertheless. We spotted the lads and Emily and I made our way over to them and sat down.

"Well?" Luke eagerly asked and Emily giggled and pulled out one of the scan photos and placed it onto the table.

"Well, Mr Godfather. You are going to have to get double of everything for when you babysit." Emily smirked and Luke' eyes widened.

"TWINS!" He exclaimed, which turned a few heads. I cleared my throat and Luke apologised.

 I cleared my throat and Luke apologised

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"Yes. We are having twins. We won't know what genders they are until I am five months pregnant. But, they are happy and healthy, which is great!" Emily said and the boys nodded, happy with the new information. I, then, excused myself to go and phone my Mum. I dialled her number and put the phone to my ear.

"Harry, sweetheart! Is everything okay?" My Mum asked once she had answered the phone.

"Yes, Mum. Just thought you'd like to know that Emily and I are expecting twins." I tell her and she squeals over the speaker and I mentally scoff. Now, she's excited?

"Oh, Harry! That's great! Send Emily my love and I'll see you both soon!" She said before hanging up the phone. I sighed and made my way back over to the table where everyone was looking at menus.  Emily' eyes were scanning the menu with hunger in her eyes. She loved Indian food and will probably order half of the menu. Also, given that she is eating for three now. The waiter soon came over.


"I would like the chicken Tikka Masala, the Basmati rice, Bombay Aloo potatoes, plain Naan bread, four Papadoms and an orange juice, please." I told the waiter and he looked shocked for a minute before nodding and writing my order down. The others ordered and the waiter walked away, not before placing down a free basket of Papadoms and a few glasses of water.

I looked at Harry and smiled at him, my hand laying on my swollen and now visible stomach. Harry' hand went to my stomach unconsciously and I smiled. I need to phone my parents and tell them about the baby news. They are going to be having their first Grandchildren, they are going to be so happy. 

Our food soon came and we ate more, then, we conversed. I think mainly because we were all hungry and a little shocked by the news. Did I also mention that my birthday is tomorrow? Well, it is! I'm going to be twenty two and Harry's is in a few months. He's going to be twenty five. He is not looking forward to it.

After we had finished eating, Harry paid the bill and we left the restaurant, saying goodbye to Luke and Calum as we did. We got into Harry' car and he began to drive home. He was quiet, though, not really saying anything.

"Haz? Are you nervous? Scared? Happy? That we are having twins? Does this whole situation scare you?" I asked him and he sighed and shook his head.

"What if I'm a bad Father?" He asked me and I scoffed.

"That is ridiculous, Harry! You are going to be the best Father that this world has ever seen. I chose to be with you because of how caring and sweet and loyal you are. All of those traits and more tell me that you all going to be the best Father ever. In fact, you'll be so good that you'll make every other Father jealous." I say and Harry laughs and nods.

"You really think so?" He asked, turning to face me when we stop at a red light.

"I know so." I tell him and he nods and begins driving again, a smile plastered on his face.

He's going to be a great Father... But, what if I'm a bad Mum?

Here, guys! Another update for you all! I want to thank you all AGAIN for reading! Please continue to read, vote and comment! It means a lot to me!

- Emma x x x


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