Thirty - Four - The Warehouse.

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Two Days Later.

"He'll be at the warehouse tomorrow, Styles." Hitchings said and I smirked.

"Thank you, Hitchings. I will see you tomorrow." I say and disconnected the call. Emily was fast asleep next to me, her slightly bulging belly sticking out from under the sheets. I smiled and placed my hand over the bump.

No one is going to take my family away from me.

No one.


I awoke to voices downstairs. It sounded like Margaret and Harry. I moved slightly and instantly regretted it when my stomach hurled over. I shot up from the bed, the duvet falling to the floor. I bolted into the en suite and threw my head over the toilet, my knees hitting the tiled floor. My stomach contents emptied itself and the sight made me me want to hurl again.

I felt a hand rubbing my back and my hair being tied back into a ponytail. I finally finished and turned to see Harry looking at me worriedly. He handed me a glass of water and a few mints. I thanked him and drank the water, then, took the mints.

"Are you okay, baby?" Harry asked and I nodded and stood up. I placed a hand over my bump and sighed.

"I'm being sick for three now." I dry laughed and Harry frowned. He placed his hand on my bump as well and rubbed it, soothing it some.

"Come. Margaret has something for you to eat that will settle your stomach." Harry said and grabbed my hand, leading me from the bathroom and back into our bedroom where I saw one of the maids making the bed. Harry continued to pull me from the room and down the hall, down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Margaret was just putting a plate on the table. She turned to me and smiled sadly at me.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asked me and I smiled softly at her.

"I've been better." I say and she nods as I sit down. On the plate was different cut up pieces of fruit. A glass of juice sat next to the plate. I give a smile of gratitude to Margaret and she nods with a smile, then, sits Harry' breakfast down. She, then, leaves the room and I take a bite of a strawberry. "Do you have to work today?" I ask Harry, hoping that he doesn't.

"No. I'm all yours." He says and I smile.

"Can we go and see my parents?" I asked and he nods, taking a bite of his toast.

"I'll give them a call after breakfast." He tells me and I nod.

Breakfast is soon over with and Harry leaves the kitchen to phone my parents. He returns minutes later and smiles sadly.

"I'm sorry, Em, they can't make it, they have to work. But, they are bringing around Travis for us to look after." Harry says, trying to lighten the mood and it works. I smile and nod.

At least I get to see my Brother.


The Next Day.

I parked outside of the warehouse and pulled my phone out. I dialled the number and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Alright, Styles. He's here. Wheneva you're ready." Hitchings tells me and I smirk and hang up. I get out of my car and make my way into the warehouse. I grin when I see Leon tied to a chair and Hitchings standing over him. I walk closer and Leon turns to face me, his face turning hard. He tries to wriggle free, but, is unsuccessful.

"Now, now, Howard. It's pointless to try." I say and unbutton my suit jacket and slip it off. I lay it on a table and turn to Hitchings.

"Leave. Be back in an hour." I tell him and he nods and leaves. I turn my attention back to Leon and glare at him. "Did you really think that you could threaten my girlfriend and our children and get away with it? Do you even know who I am?" I sarcastically ask and Leon looks scared for a split second before his game face is back.

"You don't scare me, Styles." He spits and I laugh.

"Sure I do. I recall you having a family." I say and Leon freezes.

"You hurt them, I'll-"

"You'll what? I don't think that you are in any position to be telling me what to do. Now, here is how everything is going to play out." I say and Leon chuckles.

"As if I'll listen to you." He says and I nod, walking towards him and punching him in the nose.

"Oh, you'll listen." I say.


I groan, hunching over the sofa. Briana and Louis look at me worriedly. One minute, they were visiting with Freddie, the next, I'm hunched over the sofa in pain. Briana hands Freddie to Louis and rushes over to me.

"Are you okay?" She asks worriedly and I shake my head, taking in a deep breath.

"Something's not right." I say and Briana nods and turns to Louis.

"We need to get her to a hospital." She tells him and he nods and calls Margaret in. He asks her to look after Freddie while he and Briana take me to a hospital. Soon enough, we were in Louis' car and Briana was holding my hand as the pain subsided.

We arrived at the hospital and Louis tried phoning Harry again, who was not picking up. I was rushed into a room by two nurses and a doctor.

Oh, where are you, Harry?!


I deliver one final punch to Leon and that's when he agrees to leave us alone. I motion for Hitchings to take him away and he smirks and lifts him up and takes him out of the warehouse. My phone rings again and I groan and walk over to it, my knuckles bleeding slightly.

"Hello." I annoyingly say, wrapping my knuckles up.

"Harry, thank God! You have to get to the hospital right away! We are here with Emily. Hurry!" Louis says and hangs up.

Oh, god! The babies!

Here, guys! I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! Thank you all for reading and voting! Sorry for switching 'point of views' a lot! Please read, vote and comment!

- Emma x x x


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