Chapter 2

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign language"




Normal POV

Reborn still stared at Tsuna until he finally out from the shop.

"what's the matter, Reborn?" Loke asked in Italian

"something's off about him..." Reborn said still looking at the door, he sensed something is more than what meets the eyes. Years of being a professional hitman, he can tell that the boy is dangerous. But lookin at his frail figure, he couldn't really pinpoint why exactly.

"who is he?" Reborn demand for the the truth.

"hm? just an ordinary kid. Why do you ask?" Loke asked while casually wiping a glass.

"Like I said, There's a weird vibe coming from him." Reborn said suspiciously.

"Maa~ probably you're just being paranoid. perhaps another cup of espresso could calm you down?" Loke said, presenting the hitman a cup of the said hot beverage like magic.

"Don't you dare to belittle my skill, Loke." Reborn glared, but took the offer anyway.

Loke chuckled sheepishly before then he took another glass to be wiped clean, "well, he has a rough past, Does that explain his cold demeanor or something?"

Reborn frowned, "What about it? And also, what about the 'toy' that you just gave him? What an ex-Blacksmith like you even have to do with him?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. hold it right there." The man chuckled, hands raised in mock defeat before then he leaned on the counter, grinning teasingly. "what's with the sudden rain of question, huh? Look, he is one of my friend. He helped with the cafe sometimes. The toys are for the nearby orphanage. Despite me being an ex-Blacksmith, I CAN make simple toys, ya'know~?" He rolled his eyes playfully

"Sure." Reborn doesn't buy a single word. "That explains his dead eyes"

At that Loke actually sighed, "You've seen his expressionless face right? I just want to help him regain his smile again, nothing more or less..." he trailed with a shrug.

"More less?"

"well, I felt sorry for him. He was raised in a family who ignored him and had known the pain of losing his friends on an incident in such young age" Loke immediately continued in a sad tone. And all of his saying was true, since Loke didn't say anything about the 'toy'.

But then Loke is back to his cheery self. "Anyway~ do you, by any chance had an interest in him?" Loke snickers at the infant. "I always knew that boy would gather his own harem one way or another~"

Reborn shadowed his face with his fedora, "nope..."

'It's just, the way he act is too careful and caution than most of people, especially when I stared at him early...' a smirk soon bloom on his face. "Well, Sawada Tsunayoshi, huh~"


Tsuna POV

'so, the greatest hitman in the world will tutor the twins heh... I'll look  forward for it.' I mused.

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