chapter 40

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


#inside the room

~a few minutes before Loke's arrival~

"so, how is he?" Lisa asked in pure concern towards the bruenette who was just checked by Shamal. Tsuna has a red face that can compared with tomatoes, he's sweating like he was just bathing in rain, and he's breath is raging even though he already had oxygen mask on his face.

"I don't know..." Shamal replied, eyes not leaving the bruenette who looks like experiencing hell.

"what do you mean 'you don't know'?" Hibari demanded answer while there's an obvious worry tone on that sentence.

"his body is damaging internally mostly on his left chest where his heart is. But I don't know why. I can't use my sun flame to help or even make a contact with his body. He's rejecting me for unknown reason" he clunching his fist in frustration.

"what the-?" Hibari was cut off by a kind yet strong voice from his back.

"that's the true Kyoya..." the sound is echoing the room, it was came from the floating orange flame. Behind 'it' there are six other flame with different colour. Hibari guess it right away though he never 'saw' them before.

"Primo?" he asked, the flames flickered as if trying to say 'yes' as the approvement.

"no flame can interacted with him unless his own flames since his 'black flames' block him away" the orange flame that known as Primo a.k.a. Giotto said.

"then is there anything we can do for him? Cause he is..." Shamal trailed, he never want to say this word about one of his friend (A/N : yeah, Shamal is friends of Tsuna, he currently on the same state with Lisa. So when Reborn asked for him to come from Italy to treated his fever –last night- Shamal didn't argue and immediately buy the ticket with the fastest scheduled flight to Japan -which is on this morning-)

Hibari and the ghost (except for Giotto) is looking at him in curiousity.

"...he is dying..." Lisa continued in low tone but still barely heard by them. She knew it but she don't want to admit that fact, so she let Shamal re-checked him but the outcome is the same.

They reply (except for the two doctors and Giotto) with chorus of "WHAT?!"

Giotto's flame is shringking as he said, "as much as we want to do something, there's no one can help him other than himself" his voice is wavery.

The atmostfire turned cold and they all turning silent since they know that saying a word can do nothing for help. Now the only sound in the room is the raging heart monitor's beep and Tsuna's heavy pant.

A second later the door slammed open (but not making voices too loud) revealing two girls and a man rushed to them. (A/N : you guys must know who is the girls right?)

"what happened Lisa?" Loke asked.

The ravenette girl asking at the floating flames, she also has a hunch that those flames are the ghost that Tsuna often talk about. While the albino girl asking the same question too but to Hibari. Shamal let them explaining the situation to the three.

"no way..." Riku gasped. She covered her mouth in disbelieve.

"...Tsuna-nii..." Riki's fall on tears.

While Loke just stunned at the news. The both three never thought that the reason of their friend's hospitalize is he's dying. At first they thought that it will be just a dangerous surgery or else since Hibari didn't tell them about it on the phone.

The situation just getting colder than before. Hibari can't stand it, as much as he want to stay by his best friend side, he can't accept that he's going to die especially on his sight, so he went out the room.

"mom? Kaa-san?" Tsuna mumbled it weakly as his heart beat racing out like crazy all of sudden, making everyone in the room panicked and rushed to his side.

"Come on kid. Fight it! I know you can do it!" Loke tried his best to encouraging him.

"Yeah, Tsuna-nii *sob* you promised us *sob* to go to the zoo together *sob* once this all finished right? *sob* We're not even started yet! *sob*" Riki held his hand tightly.

"don't you dare die on us! How about your Dad and Yuni?! You said you'll find them right?!" Riku said desperately.

"come on Tsuna! You've got to living on!" Lisa also said.

"Tsuna!" Shamal can only called his name.

The ghost also said some encouraging words by their own style, hoping that the bruenette will somehow hear them and get out from this condition.

But Tsuna isn't answering. His breathing is harder than before and his other hand (the other one that Riki's not helding on) is clunching his chest as if he want to rip it apart.

A second later his hand is dropped livelessly as he stopped moving. The heart monitor turned into a line with a long sound of 'beep'.

The people gasping in disbelieve before calling his name out loud...


#back to outside the room

"TSUNA!/-NII!" surprised by this, Tsuki and co. stood up in aware.

As for Hibari, hearing the loud scream of Tsuna's name like that, he knew that his friend is gone... and so he can't hold it anymore, tears flowing from his eyes.

Everyone who saw this get shocked, I mean who doesn't when they know 'the perfect' who was not afraid to death can even shred a tear. Reborn was going to ask, but Hibari already ran to enter the room again (and that means Reborn have to off from his shoulder, since he can't enter the room).

Realization comes to Reborn when he accidently saw the heart beat monitor who had a line on it. Reborn tilted his fedora down. He's gritting his teeth and clunching his fist.

Tsuki who never saw Hibari and Reborn like this have a horror look in his face.

"no, no, no, Tsuna-nii is..." he fell on his knees and started to cry. The other also realized the fact too... as they started to cry and whining(?) his name.

Their friend... their savior... their family... has gone...





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