Alternate Ending 2

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Play the music after I told you so!

Or else pay with your own concequences....


"are you sure to go to that house?" Riku asked disagree to his brothers decision.

"yeah, Tsuna-nii...we don't need them. We can celebrate your birthday here, just the four of us..." Riki suggested.

"hn... I agree" Hibari said, voicing his agreement toward the female carnivores.

Tsuna smiled at his 'siblings'. "I will go there no matter what, it's the twins birthday. I know exactly that they won't remember or even know that today is also my birthday." He chuckled.

The three frowned at him, still disagree for his decision. Tsuna saw the faces that they make, so he hugged the three of them tightly as he whispered, "You guys know that I can't do that. They are still my family afterall..." then Tsuna broke the hug.

"beside... I have to visited my okaa-san today! Today is her death anniversary!" Tsuna cripped.

"eh, really?" Riki asked a bit surprised since Tsuna never told anyone about this. Tsuna nodded.

"can we join you?" surprisingly it was Hibari who asked. Tsuna smiled but he shooked his head.

"nope..." he answered.

"why?" Riki asked.

"becaaaaauuuuseeeee..." he trailed. "ehehe... because I'll say some embarrassing stuffes to her. well she's my mother so she's okay to hear it. But you guys..." Tsuna snickered.

"there's no way I'll let you hear any of it~ or else my image as your brother will be ruined." Tsuna giggled. "and... someone, will call me back to be a herbivore" Tsuna snickered amusedly at Hibari who is rolled his eyes but having a slim snicker on his face.

Tsuna snatched two gift box from the table and walks away. "anyways~ I'm going... Ittekimasu!!!"


Tsuna POV

'hm... I wonder how is their reaction when they opened the gift. Last year I gave each of them a jacket, and they seems liked it since they wear it almost everytime they're going out.'

"hoo~ is that so...?" I winced.

"ah Henko! You surprised me! good thing I didn't drop these" I scolded in my mind.

"ahaha gomen, gomen... anyway~ what kind of present will you give them this year?"

"well, it's a ceramic craft... Toshi's gift is a statue of a baseball player, Ichiro Suzuki. He's a big fan of him. While Tsuki's gift is a kitten designed mug. Since Tsuki loved kitten...

I make them myself, I hope they'll like it" I thought happily.

"you're funny when you act childlish like this, Tsuna... you look kawai~" Henko teased as he giggled.

"*pout* mou~ I'm not cute!" I protested.

"whatever you say Tsuna~"

I sighed in defeat, dealing this side of him will only be waste of time for me, "anyway... here we are~" I said as I stood up infront of the door.

"well good luck then... and don't stare them for too long especially the two, you still haven't being honest toward them, right?" I nodded weakly as I scratched the nape of my neck as he chuckled again.

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