chapter 15

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"





~track of time~


Tsuna POV

I took out my #2 phone, turn it on and started to texting a SMS.

[to : Ginger88

Hey, I need your help. Can you find out Reborn and The smoking bomber, Gokudera Hayato latest contact? Text me Back in count of 3...] Send...

'I hope that my intuition got wrong for this once...' I thought.

Just right then my phone is ringing, 'wow... he's fast...' then I opened the SMS.

[from : Ginger88

Jeez can't you gave me a break from your threatment? I'm not super human y'know? It's confusing me thought why you need my help, it's easy for you right? Well I'll help you anyway. Just wait for a second, and NO THREATMENT!] I chuckled when I read it. Then I turn it off again.

'now I've got to finish this fast and meet him. I really don't want him to 'bite' me especially when my wounds from last night battle aren't fully healed yet...'

Normal POV

'Sh*t, my intuition was right. Reborn did have something to do with Gokudera presence' Tsuna thought after he read Ginger88's mail.

Tsuna has finished cleaning gym room and now heading to Disipline Committee room (A/N : or reception room?), where Hibari called him earlier.

SFX : *knock... knock...*

"come in" Tsuna entered the room then got welcome by Hibari's flying tonfas. Tsuna dodge it without a sweat, he even close the door properly.

"payment... now..." Hibari said it shortly while smirked at the bruenette.

[didn't I say that I can't for a temporary?] Tsuna answered as he took out the tonfas which was pierced the wall and gave them to Hibari.

"hn... explain" he said.

[you must know 'Reborn' right? He's tutoring Toshi and Tsuki right now. And it will really be a troublesome if he find out about me. And you know that 'Kuro Cielo' are close with him as fellow hitman.] Hibari glanced at Tsuna's writing.

"hn... fine, weekend. Namimori hills" Tsuna is smiling (A/N : Hibari is his best friend after all)

"I hope you'll be satisfied" Tsuna said. Then he ask for permission to leave. He want observe his brothers. (A/N : Tsuna might not admit it but he still love both of Toshiki and Tsukichi as his younger brothers)

#school's back yard

"Ok, what do you want us to do again?" Toshiki asked Reborn in annoyed tone.

"you, me, fight... I will never acknowlage anyone who weaker than me as Vongola's heir" Gokudera answered.

"Tch... an enemy already? Fine... I didn't have interest on mafia, but if that means I will be the next boss then I'm in..." Toshiki answered.

"do we really have to fight?" Tsukichi asked, he never like the idea of fighting.

"back off Tsuki, he's mine..." Tsuki just do what his twin said as he and Reborn take a step back.

-They don't recognized a pair of brown eyes who is watching them from distance-

At first Gokudera fight him squarely with fist only. But then Toshiki started to use his whip and makes Gokudera has no choise but use his dynamites.

"Triple bomb..." Gokudera tried to threw some bombs again but Toshiki accidently whipped some of those off his hand with fuse already litted, and Gokudera end up dropped some more from behind his sleeve

Toshiki then ran off with laughter, pittying Gokudera's fate for being beaten by his own bombs. (A/N : well actually he's not running because of he know that he won against Gokudera, he's run because he's afraid of dying from explotion)

'is this my end?' Gokudera thought.

'oh no that mount of dynamites! This is getting out of control, I had to act' Reborn thought as leon started to change its form into something but Tsukichi who is panicking, has already make his own act.

"Oi Baka-Tsuki!" Reborn tried to call his student to move away.

Tsuki was trying to saved Gokudera by taking him away from that spot (keyword : trying) but somehow he ended entering the dead zone, which is making him in danger too.

Fortunately someone is pushing them down right before the big explotion. And that person's body is protecting them for the explotion.

The smoke fading out revealing the bloody Tsuna who is on top of the both teenager now. His back is injured.

"Tsuna-nii!/Tsuna!" Tsukichi and Reborn yelped in union.

"..." Gokudera just frozened on his place. Tsuna didn't recall them, he's uncounciouss.

Reborn called for ambulance immedietly. That is when Hibari came in "I heard some explotion-" Hibari stopped his saying when he sees Tsuna got injuries, he was also –believe or not- panicking.

"Herbivores what happened?!" he shouted at Tsukichi who is crying then turned to Gokudera.

"explain..." Hibari pull Gokudera's collar.

Before Gokudera said anything ambulance srine can be heard. Not so long then Tsuna is carried up to the hospital with the ambulance. Tsukichi, Gokudera, and Hibari are come along too. If your asking where's Reborn, he is searching for his soon-be-dead student.





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