chapter 90

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Declaration : I don't own KHR !!! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna spoke to Henko"

"Henko spoke to Tsuna"


Tsuna POV

'Iemitsu-san has left... but this place has also burned into ocean of fire... moreover I can't move, I've lost too much blood and had fractured bones...' I thought as I coughed, the smoke is started to make breathing is a hard thing to do. (well, it's not like it was easy on my state anyway...)

'but even so, I've got to escape from here... but what should I do?' I asked myself as I throwed my hazy gaze to my surrounding. Sadly, nothing is near since Iemitsu-san has kicked it away from me.

'fine... if there's nothing else then I should use the wall' I thought as I tried to move. I somehow manage to stand up although it caused pain all over my numbed body. But before I take a step I fall over, panting hard and covered with pain.

'again!' I determinded then started to try it again, this time I manage to take three small steps before I slumped down again...

'come on... I can't give up now...' I stood up, and this time manage to take five steps.

It keep goes on until I manage to do it halfway where suddenly a rubble fall over me. "aah!" I can't even shouted again and I'm stucked bellow a burned ruins. It's not so big but I almost run out of energy.

'come on... move out!' I manage to roll it over even thought I then coughing some blood. But now I'm definitely out of energy. And lack of oxygen definitely not helping.

'I can't stay here... I've got to leave... I have things to do... I want to live...' I thought but this time I can't even move my finger tips...

'I can't give up... I've got to move on... come on!' I encouraged my self, but my body didn't move an inch. Even my eyes are closed.

I keep on whispering thoughts to myself while praying on god that I can somehow survive this.

Not so long then, I saw glimpse of lights from my pendant. I can only glanse at it, before then I heard voices...


'eh? I know this voice...' I thought but I still can't open my eyes.

"suns, heal the fractured bones. Rains, slow the blood from flowing out. Lightnings, make a doom for protection. Mists, Clouds, Storms, clear the path and protect master from falling ruins" he commanded.

"Hai!" They answered as I feel warm is wrapping me. Slowly I can feel my body again. I started to open my eyes just to see something that not even my wildest dream even imagine.

There are flames floating here and there with the white flames controlled their actions.

"w-who?" that's all I manage to say.

"it's us master, your flames..." the white flame said. I glanced at the other flames there are two kind of them, the dark and the pure, but I there's no 'sky' and 'night' on sight, instead there is this white flame.

I can't answer or ask them any question so I can only silently say my thanks.

As if I can see their 'body movement' who is smiling now, I smiled back at him.

"we're done..." The pure sun said.

"this all we can do on his state..." the dark sun added.

The white flame nodded. "now, can you move now Master?"

I moved my limbs, even though it's still painful but at least I can walk... probably...

"urgh..." I grunted as I finally manage to stand up. I still can't get my balance and so I started to swayed around.

Thinking about falling again, I close my eyes waiting for the extra pain. But since it never came I opened my eyes slowly revealing that my flames are supporting me...

"becareful!" the white flame said. I smiled slimly as my thanks. Only clouds who is still busy clearing the path for me.

"come on... move your legs!" pure storm said. I nodded as I started to walk thorough the rumble.

My flames are supporting me to both walk and avoiding the falling ruins. Without me realizing we finally arrived at the door.

The flames suddenly srinking, "I'm sorry master, but we can't help you much longer, you're too exhausted for us to continue. I'm sorry..." the white apologized.

I siled fondly, "it's o-okay... T-Thank you..." I said weakly.

"you're welcome..." it said before they all completelydisappeard.

Not wasting more seconds I open the door immedietly. It's so hard to walk outside because there's nothing I can lean on for support.

I forced my body to walk some more steps away from the storage anticipating if it will broke down sometimes around.

I can only manage to take some steps and it's already swaying. I can feel my counciousness slowly fading out.

After some more steps I can hear someone called my name, "TSUNA!!!" he called. When I was going to look who is it, that is when my body finally giving up.

But instead of the hard ground, my body met pairs of warm arm. "Tsuna! Tsuna! Can you hear me?!" that voice called desperatedly. I recognize this voice.

"H-Henko?" I called.

"Yes Tsuna, It's me... now, please stay strong. Reborn is calling for help..." He said then I can feel something wet fall on my cheek.

"d-don't c..ry..." I said.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it..." He carefully hugged me. "just who did this to you?" He asked.

"Ie- *cough**cough* *cough* " I choked by my own blood.

"enough, don't talk anymore... I'm sorry for asking. Please just stay councious..." He said panickly as I can feel more tears falling.

"please don't die... please don't die on me... you're my only friend... don't leave me all alone again" He cried.

I reached his cheek with my shaking hand "I-I w-won't ... j...ust... ... p-please don't... l-let th...em kn...ow..." that's all I manage to say before I finally consumed by darkness.





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