A/N Chapter (part 11)

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Me : Chao~ minna-san! We meet again!

Riku : you look so excited nerd...

Riki : is there anything good happening?

Me : uh~huh! I've posted a new story~~!!!

Riku : so? *bored tone*

Me : couldn't you be more excited or what? You're ruining my mood. *grumped*

Riki : Ma... ma... so, what's this new story is about?

Me : *smirk* It's a secret!!! If you want to know you'll have to read it! The tittle is "What I need" You should check it Riki! *excited*

Riki : *chuckle* alright~ but first we have to finish this okay?

Me : oh yeah! The reviews! Oh how I loved to receive them!

Riku : yeah, yeah, we all does... now let's get the things started. I want to take a nap.

Me : now let's see... and the top 5 reviews are~~~~


"As i keep saying it'/ a great story but i'' really distracted by the grammar. Also snapped is used too often in the wrog context... yes i'm a horrible person for disecting the story cause of grammar but it does distract from some of the image you present in your story. I will keep reading tho...even if i have to burn the gramar natzi in my brain." By Sn0wk1tty-fanfiction

Me : xixixi~ thanks for the compliment, and yeah still grmar mistakes is the problem... actually my friend Sayakoto-san from wattpad is doing her best to recronstucted the gramars (it's called beta, right?) but sadly I got no time to replace it... yet... though she's sending me the corrected text. Since I only got time to write the next chapter... Sorry minna-san~ maybe later when I got my long holiday!


"more please it was great thank you very much for updating :3 yay happy dance tsuna is the arcobaleno sky and tsuna I have something to tell you its a poem/song I wrote :3 Hush now sweet child don't be afraid or saddened waste not your sweet tears now that your life's end is near after all death is kind and fair in its treatment because your age, rich's, power, deeds, lifestyle, and one's self mean nothing and are all null and void in the face of death so when your pain subsides and your tears stop flowing smile sweety knowing you are safe now sweet child rest now death's warm protective embrace. / that's what I wanted to tell/sing to you tsuna I hope it was not cruel I do not want you to be after of your life's end / now then turns and looks out to pack ( :3 (grins) the wolves and foxes from the zoo followed me out) and says to them lets go back to our hunting trip ~~~shall we~~~ we'll protect tsuna till the end :3 and I look forward to reading the rest of this incredible story :3" by Kuu.mochizuki 3-fanfiction

Me : okay... I'm amazed by you... not just pictures but also poem... thank you~ maybe later on I'll ask you to make poems to be put in my story. Are you agree with me, minna-san?


"Hmmmm.... It cant be Loke and Yoshi.... Since he acted like normal.... And he hates Iemitsu.... But it cant be gamma right? ....... Why does Tsuna have many fathers? .__. Any ways! Thanks for the update! I really like this story so much that when im bored i was thinking on what will happen next! Hope you update soon!" by Kuroh_akuma-wattpad

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