chapter 30

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


Tsuna POV


I can heard scream from the next room, Another lively morning had appeard. Well, I'll welcome it happily if it wasn't because of this stupid headache. I sat up on the edge of my bed, stared blankly at nothing particular.

I messaging the bridge of my nose to releave the pain, good thing it's working. My niichans are waking up, and I can hear G-nii is waking Giotto-nii.

I stood up but then the room suddenly swayed cousing me lose balance. I almost fell to the floor if it wasn't because of Alaude-nii who catched me.

"you ok?" he asked in his monotone tone. my niichans' looking at me now.

I felt my head is throbbing painfully again, but I forced a smile and nodded as reply.

I manage to get into the bathroom. I showered my self with warm water, it feels very good since it also releaving my headache. At least now I didn't feel that painfull throb again...

After finished my things I walked out to make breakfast for everyone.

I was in the middle of cooking when I feel presence of someone behind me. I timidly turned my head, to see Iemitsu-san's standing there while glaring daggers at me.

"Why are YOU f****** demon still stayed in MY FAMILIY'S house?!" he said (A/N : note the sarscarm).

I was freaking out right now, I could beat this guy into pulp, but somehow I can't. my body won't do everything that I said. I just froze in the spot while whipping sounds echoed in my head as I clunched my sudden painful head. I accidently drop the bowl that I'm holding, making it broke to pieces.

Iemitsu-san's walking to me. once again, I can't move my frozen body from it spot. 'godd*** it, MOVE ya' stupid body!' I scolded myself but no avail.

'O-oh no... I'm dead...' I thought as I saw he lifted his hand before I closed my eyes firmly and waiting for the pain to come.

"Tsuna-nii, what's wrong?! Eh, papa?" it's Tsuki's voice! I peeked and see him standing on the dining room (A/N : kitchen and dining room are connected so that's why they can see each other), on his back there's Toshi who's yawning, Bianchi and Reborn who's on her shoulder, Lambo and I-pin are there too, and let's not forget Nana-san who is having, a horror face? Well maybe because she saw the scattered fraction.

"what were YOU just going to do, Iemitsu?" Reborn said as he leaked his KI to the man in said.

Iemitsu turned around with his goofy smile.

"ma~ there's a fly in the house and I was about to smack it, but it seems this Kid here misunderstood me for going to hit him" he reasoned. It was a pretty lie but I know that no one's believing him so I decide to add the act.

[don't worry minna, I was just to surprised to see somebody appeard behind me. cause, um, you know... for once I thought he was a ghost... ehehehe] I showed my writing.

[and Nana-san, I'm so sorry for the bowl, I'll buy a new one to replace it. I'm sorry] I bowed apologizing, which only replied by Nana-san's sighed while frowning then walked to Iemitsu-san's side.

"anata~ are you alright? There's so many fraction here. You're not hurt, are you?" she asked and she rechieved a wide smile from Iemitsu-san.

I just ignored they're lovely-dovely act and took a broom and cleaning the floor from the dangerous sherd.

Reborn POV

'I'm sick of them... For d**n sake! HOW COULD THEY JUST STAND THERE WHILE THEY'RE SON CLEANING THE FLOOR RIGHT BESIDE THEM!' I'm more than pissed in my mind now.

And back there I always thought that Iemitsu is a good boss and father figure, while Mama is the sweatest woman that I ever knew, but this couple has proven me wrong although I had only been in this house for several days.

I saw Tsuna flinched. I walked to hise side as I can see blood dripping from his thumb, "you're bleeding!" I said, he looked at me then he smiled slimly as he used to be. After his expression turned back to his usual poker face he washed his injuries on the sink the he sucked his remain blood to stopped it. I looked at him as I just recognized that he looks pale.

I took his hand by force (but not to hard) then placed a band aid on it. "you're reckless Lazy-Tsuna..." he knitted his eyebrow at me, maybe because of the new nick name that I gave him. I just smirked back.

After finished the preparation of breakfast (this time Tsuna got helped by Tsuki, Bianchi, and the two kids). Tsuna served me with double portion of his homemade espresso, like what he promised me as the reply for helping him yesterday. I, who sat next to Iemitsu saw that he's shiver a bit (I know that he's holding in) as Iemitsu glared at him. I snapped Iemitsu back to earth by trying to steal his food but of course he stopped it, then suddenly his dark intent back to normal.

I saw Tsuna bit a slice of bread as he walked out from the dining room with three bento's neatly wrapped in one on his hand.

"Eh? You're not going to breakfast with us Tsuna-nii?" I-pin asked plainly.

Tsuna write something, [I'm sorry I-pin, but I've got to hurry] Once again he showed his slim yet reassuring smile.

I looked around to see Sawadas' reaction. Iemitsu rolled his eyes while keep eating not even care to looked at Tsuna. Toshi glanced at him, narrowed his eyes at him then continue on eating. Nana stared at him, Tsuki just smiled back at him. I –who can read people minds- can concluded one thing which makes me concerned. They ALL worried.

They worried? Now this is the first time... wait, are they worrying about him or what? Ugh... they didn't showed it. Guess I'm clueless once again *sigh*

Now I hate this, being confused by lack of information makes me feel weak (psychologically).

The next thing that I know is Tsuna already left the house.





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