chapter 65

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Declaration : I don't own KHR ! Akira Amano does!


"Foreign Leangue"



Flashback / dreams


~track of time~


"Tsuna spoke to Henko"

"Henko spoke to Tsuna"

#back to Tsuna and the other

"you know what? Although that I'd say that I'm having fun on this. This started to get annoying, don't you agree?" Henko stated as he burnt another tons of puppets to ashes.

"They just keep on growing and growing. Just where are they coming from?!" Tsuna squicked.

Then Henko is looking around and not so long then he found what are they looking for. "Tsuna! There's a portal over there!" Henko shouted.

"I can see it! Now how do we get rid of it?" Tsuna said.

After some second, Henko finally said. "I have an idea. But I need your dark flames to do it. I'll try not to use it so much to minimize the damage but it's still definitely drain you out and might cause you trapped in dreamland for the whole day or more. How's it?"

"I'm okay with that. Just do what you can for now!" Tsuna answered hurriedly.

"well, If you say so..." Then Henko started to leaked all the flames that Tsuna had from the whole body, then focused it to his hands and formed a solid white ball. Some sweats rolling from his forehead as his hands are trembling hard not to accidently release the intense flame ball while keep surpressing it into smaller ball. When the white ball reached the size of a marble, Henko use Tsuna's sky flame to dashed to the entrance of the portal. When he arrived he tossed the ball into the portal then curled into a ball himself to avoid the big explosion that came seconds later.


The portal has been destroyed as Henko is crashing the ground with Tsuna's hand got slightly burnt good thing that his cloack are fire proof so his disguise aren't revealed.

"Auch! It's hurt you know! I don't mind about the explotion but why did you trow out my gloves before?" Tsuna said as he waved his hands slowly to releaved the pain. He and Henko has switching place again once the portal exploded.

"ehehe... sorry, I thought that it was cooler that way" Henko laughed sheepishly.

"cooler but not saver..." Tsuna grunted. "if I still have them then my hands won't be like this..."

"well, sorry... I just want to, you know... a bit show off?" Then he chuckled sheepishly again while Tsuna just sighed tiredly. He surely drained out. But saw that those puppets is on their way toward the building, Tsuna dashed there ignoring his tiredness.

"done..." Tsuna clapped his hands off from the dust. After some minutes Tsuna finally beat every each one of them.

"now where am I?" Tsuna looked around. He's so distracted to 'kill' those zombies, he didn't pay attention to where he has ended. "well, at least it's still inside the building, I guess?"he said not sure. (A/N : he's in hallway)

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