A/N Chapter (part 4)

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Director : wow that was a blast Royal-chan! 

Me : I know right?! I swear that I just updated the last A/N chapter, yesterday... I repeat YESTERDAY! and it hit 100 on vote... and now... it hit 200 vote! Isn't that crazy?! wait... no... this is madnes!!! *beamed*

Director : r..right... *sweat dropped*

Me : oh, and by the way, why are you here again? Shouldn't it be Riki-chan and Riku-chan?

Director : well, they rushed to the hospital after the fighting scene just now. They say that you know the reason and then left the studio while cursing.

Me : *sigh* I am such a bada**...

Director : (?)

Director : why?

Me : no matter, now help me with the reviews ok?

Director : hai~


"Oops. Guess Reborn's on his way to learning some of Tsuna's secrets. And yay for more bonding between sky and rain! And poor Tsuna, he couldn't figure out why his body was too terrified to move when confronted with Iemitsu. Thanks for the new chapter!" by KHR-Yunalesca.

Me : uh~huh, but Tsuna didn't make it easy for him.


"Gah! I can't wait for Bronco to make is appearance" by I'mTheMonsterInsideYourHead.

Me : me too~ but for the main time, please be patient ok~?


 "I love this fanfic. I started reading this when I was on a trip and sadly I didn't have WiFi to vote or comment and so when I came back I do it. Great book." by anothercrazyalien

Me : well thank you, I'm doing my best here~!


"Poor Gokudera, he is being avoided by Tsuna" by Moge-Elizabeth 7.

Me : well then he might have to learn how to not shouting? Xixixi

Don't worry Tsuna just annoyed, he doesn't hate him so I'm sure everything will going to be normal again when the time's right.


"Damn I fell in love...

with your story...

and writing...

and I don't mind falling in love, but only this time!

Thank you for this amazing piece of fiction and updating a few long chapters everytime.

I really appreciate that! <3

Take care!" by X_Deadline_X

Me : Aw~ thank you, i feel so loved~ <3 <3 <3 ^w^


Me : And that's it for the top 5 reviews that I picked up.

Director : wow Royal-can, I never knew that your story will be this much likeable

Me : me too... ah wait! *glare* what do you mean by that? *venom tone*

Director : ehehehe... *looking away* *sweating bullets*

Me : you said that my story is no good?

Director : no no no! I'm not saying that! Well, not directly *whisper* I mean, you're new on this, right?

Me : *pout* I'm not... I already write many story ya'know... but most of them are in Indonesian... and don't forget that I also write my other story "when secrets are revealed" if I really have to remind that baldy head of you...

Director : hey!

Me : *rolled eyes* fine, SORRY~ now, can we just close this for today? I've got a feeling that somehow there will be angrymob coming to this place.

Director : why?

Me : *sigh* didn't I just say that I'm a bada**? I've done something well... not loveable to this story? Ehehehe...

Director : really? Well, I'm not read it yet. Maybe after I did, I'll find it out...

Director : *glance* and maybe I'll join the mob too~ *smirk*

Me : *gulp*

Director : well anyway, for now let's close this together, shall we?

Me & Director : Thanks for your reviews~~! And thanks for reading~~!


v KHR-Yunalesca

v I'mMonsterInsideYourHead

v anothercrazyalien

v Moge-Elizabeth 7

v X_Deadline_X

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